  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李俊福


天然土壤受限於成分的特性及吸持機制,無法對有機及無機污染物兼具高親和力,因此過去許多學者曾以有機化合物改質土壤,欲增加改質土壤對有機污染物之吸持能力。但受限於土壤表面的親水性特性及狹窄的層隙間距,大分子有機聚合物難以嵌入層隙間,因此本研究目的有三個方向:○1改質土壤的表面特性,使其適合嵌入大分子有機聚合物○2探討其增加土壤有機成分及層隙間距的影響因子○3探討改質土壤吸持汙染物的效果。本研究選用不含有機質之鈉蒙特石(Na-MMT)作為吸附基質,另選取三種含不同官能基有機胺作為土壤有機質之來源,其目的在於增加土壤有機質含量及增加層間距離,且由其特殊結構與官能基使土壤可同時吸附重金屬與有機污染物,並利後續大分子高分子單體嵌入層隙間。實驗結果發現,比表面積大小依序為1,12-Diaminododecane(DDC)> 12-Aminododecanoic acid(ADA)> Octadecylamine(ODC),改質劑成功嵌入土壤中並增加層隙間距,碳鏈越長的改質劑增加層隙間距(basal spacing)的能力越顯著,以ODC的層隙間距最大,反應時間長短及溫度變化不會影響ODC層隙間距的大小,而改質ODC時加入改質劑的量對層隙間距的影響亦有限。嵌入時幫助反應的鹽酸可使ODC的層隙間距先增後減,但影響DDC層隙間距的能力並不顯著。由於官能基的特性及其和土壤鍵結的方式,改質土壤的金屬最大吸附量(mg/g)依序為DDC>ODC>ADA。改質土壤有機碳含量越高則其分佈常數Kd越大,Kom和水溶解度Sw成反比,本研究與文獻值作比較後發現實驗結果之 log Koc 與 log Kom 值皆高於文獻值,顯示本研究所用之有機改質劑為良好之分佈介質 。


層狀矽酸鹽 嵌入 改質 NOCs 分佈介質


Due to the composition and the sorption mechanism, natural soil dossesses low-affinity for both organic and inorganic pollutants. Many researchers have tried to modify the soil with organic contents in order to increase the holding capacity of organic pollutants in the modified soil. But due to the limits to the soil surface hydrophilic properties and narrow interlayer spaces, the macromolecular organic polymer is difficult to intercalate in the soil. As a result, the main purpose of this study is three­fold: first, to modify the surface characteristics of the soil so as to make the soil suitable for performing subsequent modification; second, to investigate the factors behind the augmentation of organic matter into layer of the soil; and third, to discuss the sorption effect of the modified soil. In this study,we use organic amine with different functional modified groups and sodium montmorillonite(Na-MMT) in order to increase the soil organic matter content the basal spacing, and furthermore, to increase the sorption of organic and inorganic pollutants. The experimental results show that the specific surface area of the modified soil can ranked in the order as follows: 1,12-Diaminododecane(DDC)> 12-Aminododecanoic acid(ADA)> Octadecylamine(ODC). The modifiers successfully intercalate in the soil and increase the basal spacing. Modifiers with longer carbon chain can obviously increase more basal spacing. Compared to the other modified soils, ODC has the maximum basal spacing. Time and temperature almost did not affect the ODC basal spacing. With the addition of HCl, ODC basal spacing decreases after an initial increase, but DDC did not affect the basal spacing. Due to the characteristics of the functional groups and their way to bond with soil, the maximum amount of metal absorption (mg/g) was ranked as follows: DDC>ODC>ADA. If the organic content in the modified soil is higher.The larger distribution constant (Kd) was found. Also, there is an inverse correlation between Kom and the water solubility (Sw). The results of log Koc and log Kom are higher than the literature values, which show that the modified soil in this study is a well-distributed media.


Layer Silicate Intercalation Modify NOCs Partition Media


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