  • 學位論文


Countermeasure for Improving Public Construction Design Quality

指導教授 : 林志棟


摘 要 與其不斷的修改研討爭議機制,倒不如降低廠商履約爭議的發生。經 統計在施工階段履約爭議發生的原因中,變更設計佔爭議類型的三分之一 比例,而變更設計爭議類型,又屬於設計缺失的比例更高達八成。 在設計階段若發生錯誤,則工程的失敗風險就升高,工程在致力達成 「進度如期、品質如式、預算如度、安全無慮、符合環境生態保護及推廣 智慧綠建築」的目標下,設計階段就要積極推動品質管理制度,以持續不 斷的改善設計品質,以提升設計品質管理水準,使確實符合各式法規等要 求、提供業主滿意的設計產品、及使未來施工階段工序合理化及效率化。 本研究為有效提高設計品質,先整理以往施工查核時有關的設計缺失、 施工階段履約爭議中的設計爭議及營運管理遇到的問題及修繕維護困難 等已發生之問題及政府法令,歸納發生設計缺失的原因,並針對現況已作 的設計缺失管理做問卷訪問,以分析現況設計缺失管理之驗證及建議。 最後本研究將預設的二項執行面,建立專業審查機制及品質管理計畫 書此二項施行進行問卷訪問,以得到可行性意見,得以規劃出專業審查機 制及編訂設計品質管理計畫製作綱要,以期可以提升設計品質具有執行的 效益。 本論文所獲得之成果有三:1.擬定各適用之品質管理制度及作業要點 納入契約中,使業主與廠商找到標準化落實之捷徑,減少作業偏差,並增 進知識累積與經驗傳承,進而提升設計之管理能力;2.設計階段也應有審 查單位負責把關,業主對設計審查的工作,應建立設計審查機制;3.應在 契約中明訂編寫設計品質計畫,以作為執行設計服務的準繩用,使設計服 務成果能完全符合適切的規範、準則及標準所必需的作業方法與程序。


Abstract Instead of constantly revising the dispute settlement mechanism, it is better to reduce the number of contract disputes that occur. Statistics show that one third of all contract disputes in the construction stage is related to change of design, and that 80% of disputes over change of design are due to design flaws. Any flaws in the design can increase the risk of failure during construction, which aims to “be on schedule, achieve the desired quality, stay within the budget, be safely carried out, meet environmental and ecological protection requirements, and promote smart green buildings.” It is necessary to actively implement a quality management system during the design stage to continuously improve the quality of design and elevate the level of quality management. Only then can the requirements of various laws and regulations be met, and will the client gain a satisfactorily designed product. This will also make the subsequent construction stage more reasonable and efficient. To effectively improve the quality of design, this study first summarizes causes of design flaws by finding design flaws identified in past construction inspections, design related disputes in the construction stage, issues encountered during operation and management, and difficulties with maintenance and repair. A questionnaire survey is conducted to learn the current status of design flaw management, which is further analyzed for verification and recommendations. Finally, this study conducts a questionnaire survey on two execution strategies, namely establishing a professional review mechanism and quality management plan, to obtain opinions on their feasibility. This study then plans a professional review mechanism and compiles an outline for design quality management plans, so as to improve the quality of designs with respect to execution. Findings of this study are as follows: 1. The appropriate quality management system and operating guidelines must be included in the contract, so that the owner and contractor can find the shortest path to standardization, reduce deviations, and improve knowledge accumulation and experience sharing, which will further improve design management ability; 2. A review unit should be responsible for overseeing the design stage, and the owner should establish a design review mechanism; 3. Requirements on the quality of design should be specified in the contract to provide a basis for designing public works, so that the outcome will meet all regulations and standards related to operating methods and procedures.


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