  • 學位論文


Categorization and Statement of Short Figure Card Stories

指導教授 : 陳竹一


本研究的內容以Rumelhart(1975)的『故事文法結構』為主軸,透過故事文法內的各個要素的安排來發展故事內容。利用德國維寶(Ravensburger)出版的“TELL-A-STORY”故事圖卡來作為論文研究的工具。 在論文中經由整理歸納“TELL-A-STORY”故事圖卡的特性,得以定義出三大故事的類型,再透過分析現有的故事文法結構,配合常見的故事敘述方法,進而定義一組故事情節(storyline)的規則。在此規則下,說故事機器人(Storytelling Robot)能完整說出一則符合語言邏輯的故事內容,進而達到幼童語言學習的效果。


Based on the Rumelhart’s “Story Grammar” (1975), in this thesis, it is applied to develop the story contents by arranging all the elements in the story grammars and define the types of different stories accordingly. Ten sets of short figure card stories “TELL-A-STORY” published by Ravensburger, Germany are used as the development tool. Due to the flexibility and diversification of the “TELL-A-STORY” short figure cards, we can rearrange the order of these cards in a set according to the suggested structure. In this thesis, the existing story grammars are analyzed in the first beginning by considering the commonly used ways in telling stories and then three types of these stories are categorized by defining a rule of storyline. By applying this rule, storytelling robot can perform a reasonable story and then improve the children learning.




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