  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 楊自平


本文以「劉備與諸葛亮管理蜀漢」為題,將蜀漢定義為現代的企業集團,將劉備定義為集團領導者兼管理者、諸葛亮定義為集團管理者。主要的研究目的在於,引用近代管理學的理論,探討劉備與諸葛亮對於集團之管理。以期能於蜀漢人物之研究中翻出新意。 在研究進路上,分為四個部分進行。第一、管理者的工作內容首要即策劃,所謂的策劃乃是設定目標,並且帶領集團成員以實現這項目標,因此本文第二章即說明蜀漢集團成立的目的,以及管理者實現願景的計劃與行動,另外,劉備與諸葛亮的職權分工也將於此部分作說明。 第二、探討劉備與諸葛亮對於人才的招聘與集團成員的任用,這屬於組織活動的範疇,組織之所以成立,除了願景以外即必須有人,換句話說,組織活動即是集團將人才組織起來並予以運用,因此招募及擴展人才也是相當重要的一環,而蜀漢集團在招募人才方面有何困境與措施?劉備與諸葛亮在任用人才時又有何特色?從此處即可分析他們在管理集團內部人力的才能。 第三、探討劉備與諸葛亮與集團成員間的協調活動,在管理事務上,即集團事務的決策以及集團內部人事的溝通最需協調,劉備與諸葛亮在集團事務上的決策有何特性?而他們與臣屬的意見溝通上又有何特色?此為本處所要探討的目的。 第四、則是綜合討論劉備與諸葛亮管理集團之方式,探討他們在管理集團時,為集團塑造了什麼樣的文化導向?而他們從中反映出來的領袖特質又是什麼?劉備乃是以寬厚人和的處事原則來凝聚集團之向心力,諸葛亮則較強調集團的制度性,有這樣的個別特色,與劉備與諸葛亮所處的集團職位有很大的關係。 本文的結論即針對劉備與諸葛亮在執行集團的管理上,各種面向的管理特色,最後則合併他們的職位與對於集團的管理是否適任作討論。


蜀漢 管理學 劉備 諸葛亮


A Study of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang Manage Shu-Han Kindom Abstract Keywords: Shu-Han, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, management This paper, "A Study of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang Manage Shu-Han Kindom", Shu-Han is defined as modern enterprise group, Liu Bei is defined as group leader and manager, Zhuge Liang is defined as the group manager. The main purpose of the study is that a reference to the theory of modern management science, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang to discuss the Group's management. In order to be able to dig out new ideas in the study of Shu-Han characters. Research into the way, is divided into four parts. First, the manager's primary job content that is planned, but the so-called plan to set goals, and led the members of the group in order to achieve this goal. So that the second chapter illustrative purposes Shu-Han Group was established, as well as managers realize the vision plan and action. In addition, the terms of the division of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang will also be described in this section. Second, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang to discuss personnel appointments and recruitment of members of the group, which belongs to the scope of activities of the organization, the reason why the organization was established, in addition to the vision that someone must, in other words, we will organize activities that are organized and talent determine, therefore recruitment and expansion of personnel is also very important part. Has there difficulties and the measures in recruiting talent of Shu-Han? And what characteristics of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang in the appointment? From here you can analyze them in order to manage the Group's internal workforce. Third, discuss the coordination of activities with members of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang group. In the management of affairs, communication and decision-making and that the Group's internal personnel matters most in need coordination group. What characteristics of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang decisions on corporate affairs? And what the featured of communication with their subordinate? This is an aim to explore the premises. Fourth, it is a comprehensive discussion of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang manages the Group to explore them in the management of the Group, the Group created a kind of cultural orientation? What is their leadership qualities which reflected? Liu Bei unite in brotherhood phase centripetal Group, Zhuge Liang is more emphasis on the institutional group, such individual characteristics, and Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang Group jobs in which there is a great relationship. The paper concludes that for Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang in the implementation of the Group's management, for a variety of management features, and finally merge their positions with respect to the suitability of any of the Group's management discussion.




