  • 學位論文


A Study of Duration of Maintenance Cycle and Corresponding Factors for Flexible Pavement –Based on the data of Highway Administration Department in Chungli

指導教授 : 黃榮堯


道路鋪面有所損壞時,會對於用路人方面會有降低了乘坐的舒適性,也可能因為行車乘坐過程中的不舒適影響心情,間接造成交通上的不安全性,也當道路鋪面損壞時,施工管制交通的過程中,增加了行車的時間;除了對用路人的影響外,因為道路鋪面損壞,當車輛經過時候可能會產生噪音,影響了住家的安寧,另外也因道路鋪面損壞,當是因此原因而導致有用路人傷亡或車輛損壞時,造成的訴訟,也是一種時間跟成本的付出。 當鋪面損壞產生時,道路管理維護機關會就鋪面損壞進行修復(補)的改善作業,當不斷的投入了時間、人力及成本,則希望修復(補)後的鋪面可持續長久時間,然因未有就鋪面修復(補)的里程、位置及週期紀錄追蹤統計,鋪面修復(補)後的週期為多久,未可得知。本研究以收集道路養護管理機關實際執行之歷史鋪面養護資料,經由統計方式瞭解不同型式鋪面的修復週期,並由所得到修復養護週期可讓道路養護管理機關作為未來鋪面養護的重點路段。 另外,會影響道路鋪面破損的原因有可能是環境(如溫度、雨量、交通量)、材料(如瀝青混凝土規格、品質)以施工(鋪築施工技術及道路挖掘因素)等多方面因素,再以迴歸分析方法,將統計所得到的鋪面修復週期與鋪面損壞的影響因子(交通量因子及降雨量因子)作關聯性分析。 由迴歸分析方式得到,重車平均軸重當量(ESAL)、當月份雨量(mm)、週期平均雨量(mm/月)及週期累積雨量(mm)與鋪面修復養護作業週期關聯性,其中重車平均軸重當量(ESAL)與大型鋪面修復養護作業週期呈負相關,破損當月份雨量(mm)與零星鋪面修復養護作業週期呈負相關,週期累積雨量(mm)與大型鋪面及零星鋪面修復養護作業週期皆呈正相關。


When the pavement damage occurs, road agencies will repair damaged pavement (s) to improve operations. Continue to invest the time, manpower and cost, then hope to repair (s) for sustainable long time. No mileage tracking statistics pavement repair, location and period, unknown pavement repair (s) after the period. The authority to collect the actual implementation of road maintenance and management of the conservation of historical information on pavement. By statistical methods to understand the different types of pavement rehabilitation cycle, by the maintenance cycle can be repaired so that road maintenance management authority as the focus of the next section of pavement maintenance. Reasons of damaged road pavement may be environmental (such as temperature, rainfall, traffic volume), material (such as asphalt concrete specifications, quality) to construction (construction technology and pave the road excavation factors) and other factors. Using regression analysis, the pavement repair cycle and damage factors (traffic volume factor and the rainfall factor) fo association analysis. By way of regression analysis, the average axle load of heavy vehicles equivalent (ESAL), when the month of rainfall (mm), period average rainfall (mm / month) and the cycle of accumulated rainfall (mm) and pavement repair maintenance operation cycle of association. The average equivalent axle load of heavy vehicles (ESAL) and repair maintenance operation of large pavement cycle was a negative correlation, when breakage month rainfall (mm) and sporadic pavement repair maintenance operation cycle was a negative correlation, cycles accumulated rainfall (mm) and large-scale and sporadic pavement pavement maintenance repair cycle time were highly correlated.


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