  • 學位論文

國道3號使用高性能瀝青混凝土之耐久性研究 (以高公局關西工務段轄區為例)

Field Study of High Performance Asphalt Pavement Durability Used in Freeway No.3

指導教授 : 林志棟


摘 要 一個國家建設之首要在民生問題,而民生最重的就是道路之興闢,後才能貨暢其流,賺取民生所需,可見公路工程是國家經濟建設的血脈,是國家之基本建設重要的工作,更有人發起「想要富、先築路」的構思。而高速公路更是發揮到連絡國與國之間的功能層次上,與國家整體發展有密不可分的關係,如觀光、經濟投資及貨物運送、國防與國力及大眾運輸等多項功能,另攸關到人民生活福祉與社區的發展。 近年來,由於台灣地區公路系統歷經數十年的投資興建,公路網日趨完善,公路主管機構也由新建工程的型態轉變為養護管理的層面,所以政府公路建設預算日益縮減,因此公路主管機關面對財政困境下,必須對工程管理、提升工作效能、延長設施使用壽命等方面著手,並維持一定品質保持永續經營的發展策略。 本文採取尋找及試鋪高性能之耐久性瀝青混凝土產品觀念及功效,導引國道3號高速公路北部路段之關西工務段轄區,從引用多種高性能瀝青混凝土(SMA石膠泥瀝青混凝土、PAC多孔隙瀝青混凝土及PMA改質瀝青)與使用傳統瀝青混凝土之間比較是否有其差別,使高效能資源能達到最有效的維護成本支出,換來最有利的生命週期成本,經過資料收集證實高性能瀝青混凝土生命週期有比一般瀝青混凝土來的長,所以是值得今後推展的道路維護策略。


Abstract Infrastructure is the foundation for a country’s economic development and roadway construction facilitates the key component of a country’s infrastructure. With an efficient road network, goods can be transported within the country thus promoting its economic prosperity. Furthermore, a national freeway system helps connect major metropolitan areas throughout Taiwan. That is closely related to the nation’s economic development. This improves the country''s tourism, economic investment, freight transportation, national defense, and public transportation etc.. Recently, Taiwan has complete national freeway network after several decade’s investment. Therefore, the function of the highway authority has changed from new construction into operation and management and the funding for highway construction is also decreased over the recent year. As the consequence, the highway authority has to develop a sustainable strategy to maintain the highway serviceability by improving its engineering management, work efficiency, and prolong the service life of infrastructure. In this study, the durability of high performance hot-mix asphalt concretes, located at north bound of Kansai section of National Freeway No. 3, are investigated. Three types of high performance hot-mix asphalt concrete that include Stone-Mastic Aspahtl (SMA), Porous Asphalt Concrete (PAC), and Polymer Modified Asphalt (PMA) are used in this study. These high performance HMA products appear to have superior life cycle cost than the conventional dense grade asphalt mix and thus are recommended to use for the future roadway construction strategy in Taiwan.


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