  • 學位論文


A Study on the Selection and Safety Inspection of Children Playground Facility at the community Parks in Bade City of Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 林志棟


隨著社會變遷,出生率地降低台灣已進入高齡化社會,新生兒已由父母資產變為社會資產。遊戲是兒童學習起源,遊戲場地由早期綠油油農田現已變為人工化的公園,又遊戲器材由竹木製品進步為多樣性、多功能及多色彩之組合遊具,然遊戲設施隨科技日新月異而推陳出新,而兒童使用遊戲設施造成傷害事件時有所聞且日益增加,故探究原因及研擬改善方法為本研究之動機。 本研究分析造成兒童使用遊戲設施造成傷害事件原因歸納為設計與選用不當、管理維護之怠惰、不合時宜之法令與規範、安全檢查制度未落實及設施履歷制度之未建立等原因。而針對原因尋求改善方案,首先蒐集管理單位修繕經費支出情形後分析最易損壞及經費最高設施後供設計單位參考、其次將管理維護機制導入全生命週期、第三為修正不合時宜之國家標準及「各行業附設兒童遊樂設施安全管理規範」、第四為確實要求維護單位委託認證檢驗機構辦理安全檢驗及最後參考工程履歷制度建立遊戲設施管理履歷方案。


With the social changes and lower birth rate, Taiwan has entered the aging society. The newborn baby has once been treated as the parents'' assets turns into be social assets. Playing is the origin of learning process for children. Not only the playing field changes into an artificial park from a green farmland in the early stage, but also the playground facility turns into one with diversity, multi-functional and multi-color combination from one wooden equipment with single purpose. Although playground facility comes with innovative and advanced function, the injury incident caused by using the playground facility happens all the time and the numbers of accident are growing. Therefore, to explore the reason to cause children injury in the process of using playground facility and to find a way to improve is main issue of this study. This research analyzed the causes resulting in children injury by using the playground facility. These causes can be summarized as the improper design or selection, the idleness of management and maintenance, the outdated laws and regulations, poorly follow up the safety inspection system and fail to build the facility record system. Improving procedure for avoiding previously mentioned mistakes can be divided into five steps. First of all is to collect the repair expenditures from the management unit of playground facility and to analyze and decide which equipment is the most damageable and cost the most money to maintain. This information feed back to the management unit of playground facility for reference in design process. Secondly, the mechanism of management and maintenance is imported the full life cycle of playground facility. Thirdly, it is to amend the outdated national standards and “Safety Management Regulations for children''s playground facility under every kind of business”. Fourthly, the safety inspection of playground facility can be carried out by an accredited inspecting laboratory with the authorization of the maintenance unit. Lastly, we can establish a playground facility resume program for management by reference to the engineering traceability system. In this study, by using cloud–computing of the free Internet software (Google Earth and Google-related peripheral software) and by analyzing the questionnaires followed by improved focus group interview, we are able to build a prototype of traceability system of playground facility. The fulfillment of this engineering traceability system is able not only to achieve the goal of sustainable maintenance of playground facility but also to avoid unnecessary waste of resource.


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