  • 學位論文


A Contingency Perspective of Experiential Marketing Effect Of Coffee Shop Chain: An Example of 85°C Bakery Café

指導教授 : 何雍慶


近幾年來台灣的複合式連鎖餐飲店快速成長,而以複合式型態發展的連鎖咖啡店更是擴展快速。複合式型態的經營不僅增加來客數與營收,也提高整體的經營綜效。 在1999年由Schmitt提出「體驗行銷」的概念後,就被廣泛的應用於各個產業中,過去研究探討體驗行銷,都認為企業可藉由體驗的方式,增加消費者對該品牌的忠誠度、知覺價值、再購意願…等等。本研究試圖探討如何透過體驗行銷影響消費者的知覺價值。本研究以 85 度 C 為例,透過網路問卷對消費者進行調查,回收有效樣本 451 份,資料分析結果顯示,消費者以學生居多;到門市消費的主要原因是打發時間;而當無法在85度c消費時,會傾向就近至便利商店購買咖啡。 結論如下:(1)人格特質對於知覺價值有影響;(2)品牌形象對於知覺價值有 影響;(3)加入體驗行銷後有不同的調節效果,使得消費者知覺價值有加強或減 弱的改變。因此,就權變觀點而言,不同的消費者以及不同情境可用不同的體驗 來提升消費者對品牌的知覺價值。


In recent years, with the fast growth of complex restaurant chains in Taiwan, the complex coffee shop chains are becoming more flourishing in particular. Due to this chain type, the consumer flow along with the sales revenue can be increased; besides, the overall operational synergy can be enhanced as well. After Schmitt proposed the concept of Experiential Marketing in 1999, this kind of marketing method has been prevailing in diverse fields and industries. In the past researches which investigated the effect of experiential marketing, it was found that experiential marketing could increase consumers’ brand loyalty, perceived value, repurchase intentions and so on. Thus, this study is aimed at investigating the way experiential marketing influences consumers’ perceived value. Taking 85°C Bakery Café as an example, this research obtained 451 valid samples by questionnaires. Via descriptive statistics, it is showed that the major consumers are students, the purpose of consumers’ purchase is mainly to kill time, and consumers tend to go to convenience stores for coffee when 85°C Bakery Café is not available. The results are as follow: 1. Personality has an effect on perceived value. 2. Brand image has an effect on perceived value. 3. When experiential marketing is added as the mediator, it will have an increasing or decreasing mediating effect on consumers’ perceived value.Therefore, in the perspective of contingency theory, the experiential marketing can be used in different ways to fit for different consumers and situations in order to enhance consumers’ perceived value toward a brand.


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