  • 學位論文

甘耀明小說研究—— 以2011年前的作品為探討範圍

Ganyao Ming novel study─ To 2011 years ago, works as explore the range

指導教授 : 黃清順


2000年前後,一群透過文學獎拔擢的新世代作家如甘耀明、王聰威、高翊峰、許榮哲、李儀婷、張耀升、伊格言、童偉格等崛起文壇,他們的作品題材皆有取材於鄉土、書寫鄉土的共同傾向。其中,甘耀明以其獨特的文字風格及寫作題材在文學圈豎立起鮮明的旗幟,加上擁有客家的背景,對客語的運用駕輕就熟,同時熟稔客家習俗、地方縣誌及各種鄉野傳奇,所以被視為新世代鄉土書寫作家中的重要代表者。本論文的研究目的即是希望能夠為這位年輕作家及其作品,做一系統的介紹與探析,藉由整理甘耀明的生平與創作歷程,從而探析、歸納其小說的文學風格與美學特質。   本論文以甘耀明2011年以前的四本小說創作為主要研究對象,試圖分析其作品中的題材與主題意識,表現手法與語言特色,並歸納出作者的創作特色。甘耀明以魔幻寫實的手法雜揉童話元素於其中,同時受後現代氛圍影響,運用後現代的寫作技巧表現鄉土題材。敘事語言方面,客家籍的甘耀明使用母語創作,加上獨特的文字語法與多變異的語言/詞彙,成為其小說的特色,也是與眾鄉土作家區隔的重要關鍵。小說裡多數的作品皆以兒童或少年為書寫中心,人物類型大抵以老人與小孩為主。在新世代鄉土書寫的作家群裡,甘耀明以魔幻寫實與後現代手法表現傳統的鄉土或歷史題材,在想像與現實的交融下,展開和過去鄉土作家截然不同的表現方式與文字風格。


殺鬼 後鄉土 千面寫手 甘耀明 神秘列車


After 2000 years ago, a group through the Literature Prize promoted to the new generation to generation writers such as of Gan Yaoming, Wang Congwei, Gao Yi peak Xurong Zhe Li Miriam Ting, Zhang Yao-l, Egoyan, Tong Wei grid such as the rise of the literary world, their work theme of all material in the native, writing the common tendency of the local. Which, Gan Yaoming its unique writing style and topics for writing in literary circles erected a distinctive banner, coupled with the background of the Hakka, Hakka use very much at home, at the same time familiar Hakka customs, the local County and various folk legend, so as an important representative of the new generation of local writing writer. The purpose of this paper is to hope for young writers and their works, be able to do a systematic introduction and Analysis, by finishing Ganyao Ming's life and creative process, Analysis, and summarized their novel's literary style and aesthetic qualities﹒  This paper Ganyao Ming, a year ago, the four novel writing as the main object of study attempts to analyze the themes and thematic material in his works, the performance of the techniques and language features, and summarize the author's creation features. Ganyao Ming hybridity fairy tale elements of magical realism approach in which modern atmosphere by after the impact, use of post-modern writing skills performance native theme. Key narrative language, Hakka, Gan Yaoming native language creation, coupled with a unique text syntax variation language / vocabulary, its novel features, is also the segment with all the local writers. Most of the works to begin with the child or juvenile novel for the writing center, types of characters probably mainly to the elderly and children. New generation of writers of local writing group, Gan Yaoming the performance of magical realism and post-modern style with traditional local or historical subject matter, the blend of imagination and reality, expand and distinct expression and text style of local writers in the past.




