  • 學位論文


A Study Of An Intervention Of Circuit Exercise Training To Analyze Health-related Physical Fitness And Biomarkers For The Elderly People With Cardiovascular Diseases

指導教授 : 林晉榮


本研究旨在探討環狀運動介入心血管疾病中高齡危險族群後,對於健康體適能及血液生物標記的影響,並進而分析兩者之間的關係。本研究以69名參與嘉義某醫院運動醫學中心運動訓練之心血管疾病中高齡危險族群患者(年齡:59.65±9.51歲、身高:159.19±7.47公分、體重:66.37±9.86公斤)為受試對象。進行為期12週環狀運動訓練,分別為伸展(20分鐘)、有氧(20分鐘、60-80%最大心跳率)及阻力運動(20分鐘、60-80%最大反覆、每個訓練項目進行兩組)。全程配戴Polar心跳監測器,並在訓練前後使用Helmas III體適能檢測健康體適能並接受血液生化檢查。資料分析以描述性統計、相依樣本t檢定、典型相關等統計方法處理。本研究結論如下所示:一、受試者全體身體質量指數過高,有過重的現象;心肺適能及肌肉適能(握力、背肌力)表現較佳,但仰臥起坐男性低於常模標準;平衡能力及柔軟度等項目上皆表現平平,在爆發力、反應時間及敏捷性項目需再加強。發炎生物標記之「高敏感 C-反應蛋白」數值達「罹患心血管疾病中度風險等級」標準;空腹血糖、總膽固醇、三酸甘油酯、高密度脂蛋白、低密度脂蛋白、舒張壓皆屬正常範圍,收縮壓達到高血壓前期之警戒標準。二、心血管疾病中高齡危險族群經過12週環狀運動訓練介入對健康體適能有明顯改善之成效。女性在爆發力、反應能力、平衡能力與柔軟度(坐姿體前彎)的訓練效益較佳;年齡小於60歲組的爆發力與反應能力的訓練效益較佳;教育程度較高在肌肉適能的訓練效益較佳;無運動習慣組在反應能力的訓練效益較佳;無午睡習慣與 的無喝咖啡習慣在爆發力與反應的訓練效益較佳。三、心血管疾病中高齡危險族群經過12週環狀運動訓練在血液生物標記的血液生化值(總膽固醇)及血壓值(收縮壓)有明顯改善之成效。有運動習慣與有喝咖啡習慣組的男性在血液生化值(三酸甘油酯)之訓練效益較佳;年齡小於60歲組在血壓值(收縮壓)的訓練效益較佳,年齡大於60歲組在血液生化值(總膽固醇)的訓練效益較佳;教育程度大專以上組在血液生化值(膽固醇與低密度脂蛋白)的訓練效益較佳;無運動習慣組在血液生化值(低密度脂蛋白)的訓練效益較佳;無午睡習慣組在發炎生物標記之「高敏感 C-反應蛋白」的訓練效益較佳。四、本研究健康體適能身體組成、心肺適能、敏捷性與柔軟度和血液生物標記呈現高相關。身體組成數值表現與血液生物標記數值表現呈現正相關,而心肺適能、敏捷性與柔軟度數值表現與血液生物標記數值表現呈現負相關。


The purpose of this study was to explore an intervention of circuit exercise training to analyze health-related physical fitness and biomarkers for the elderly people with cardiovascular diseases and further to analyze the relationship between health-related fitness and biomarkers. The 67 subjects were recruited by the sports medicine center of the example of hospital at Chai Yi county, which average age: 59.65±9.51yrs, body weight: 159.19±7.47cm, height: 66.37±9.86kg. The subjects were involved 12 weeks circuit exercise training which included stretching exercise (20min), aerobic exercise (20min, 60-80%MHR) and resistance training (20min, 60-80%RM, 2set). The subject had to take Polar heart rate monitor during doing circuit exercise training and to take pre-post examination by blood testing and fitness testing with Helmas III. All collecting data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, paired samples t-test and canonical correlation analysis. The results of the study were found as following:1.The index of BMI of all subjects was presented over standard, which means that total groups were overweight. There were a better performance on cardiovascular and strength(grip and back muscle strength), but sit-up was lower than the standard of norm; balance and flexibility went on general level, but power, reaction time and agility had to make more efforts. The value of high sensitivity C-reactive protein reached the medium risk level of infection for cardiovascular diseases. fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, diastolic blood pressure were in normal range, but systolic blood pressure attained to the risky level of pre-hypertension. 2.The intervention of 12 weeks circuit exercise training presented significant differences on health-related physical fitness. It was a better performance of power, reaction ability, balance and flexibility (situp) for female subject and below 60 years old person could get more exercise benefits from power and reaction ability. The higher education people could get training effect on muscle strength. The non-exercise group had better performance than exercise group.The habit of no take nap at noon group and non drinking coffee group had significant differences on power and reaction ability than nap and drinking coffee group seperatly. 3.The intervention of 12 weeks circuit exercise training presented significant difference on total cholesterol and systolic blood pressure for the elderly people with medium risk cluster of cardiovascular diseases. Both of the exercise behavior group and drinking coffee group in triglycerides had better training efficiency for male subjects; the younger group(below 60) in systolic blood pressure had better training performance, the elderly group (above 60) in total cholesterol had better training effects; above college level education group in cholesterol and low density lipoprotein had better training performance; exercise behavior group in low density lipoprotein had better training effects; non take nap group in high sensitivity C-reactive protein had better training performance. 4.There were high correlation between health-related physical fitness and biomarker index. BMI had a positive correlation with biomarker index and cardiovascular fitness, agility, flexibility had a negative correlation with biomarker index.


彭鈺人、張淑玲、楊昌陸(2007)。太極拳訓練對提高老年族群平衡能力的功效。 臺灣體育學院體育學系系刊,7,117-131。


