  • 學位論文


A Study on the Pedagogical Knowledge of the Elementary School Afterschool Math Tutors in the Yonglin Hope School Affiliated with National Chung Cheng University

指導教授 : 鄭勝耀


本研究旨在探討國民小學課後輔導計畫中數學課後輔導教師所具備和表現之教學知能,並透過探討臺灣現行政府與民間課後輔導計畫的師資來源、甄選、培訓制度與國小數學課後輔導教師教學知能之關係,進一步提供未來課後輔導計畫在增進課後輔導教師教學知能上之參考與甄選、培訓制度之具體建議。 本研究採取質性研究之個案研究法,透過與5位數學課輔教師及3位輔導社工員與2位教學輔導團教師等共10位研究參與者進行半結構式訪談,並輔以課輔教師觀察與文件資料蒐集,進一步瞭解數學課輔教師所具備之教學知能。本研究所獲得的結論如下: 一、永齡希望小學課後輔導計畫之培訓內容和規劃與計畫目的落差。 二、永齡希望小學中正分校在培訓制度除按照課輔計畫的規定外,並依其特色和需求   規劃和實行。 三、一般教育知識方面:能對課輔學生有一定程度且同理心的理解,並覺知課輔學生   個殊性;對學生身心發展知識有基礎瞭解,卻缺乏學生相關輔導知識;基礎教育   學知識中,明顯展現出教育心理學相關知識;能運用策略去分析和判斷課輔學生   的學習情形並針對學生學習困擾和迷思實施教學,但在關於特殊學生的知識上則   顯得薄弱;在數學課程相關知識的表現和瞭解較少,且在課程實施上有其困擾。 四、數學學科內容知能:普遍具有數學學科基本能力,數學課輔教師、輔導社工和教 學輔導團教師則對此有相異看法;在數學學科的關鍵和模式知識上的表現,多半 是具備教育學程之數學課輔教師;數學學科脈絡知識表現在對數學內容的判斷能 力上,反之在佈題與解題則難以依循;在學科轉化和表徵使學生理解的能力上, 數學轉化能力表現較弱;數學信念在課輔教學經驗上有所差異,普遍認同自己的 數學能力。 五、教學策略方法與技巧:在教學技巧方面主要以學生程度和能力、引發學習動機和   同儕學習之方式表現;在教學設計方面表現出多元的設計理念和原則;教學活動   實施上主要以學生的需求和程度為主,但卻有時間不足和活動轉移不流暢等困   擾;普遍能瞭解教材得經組織和轉化,教學經驗為關鍵。 六、班級經營知能:在學生行為問題多以明訂規則、消弱和隔離的方式處理;在經營 班級學習風氣,則以實行獎勵制度與營造班級經營風格來表現;班級常規的設立 主要分為設立班級幹部與關於發言和走動之規定兩方面;主責輔導社工為最主要 的互動對象,卻與家長的互動機會少。 七、教學態度與自我教學評價:在教學專業規範和道德上,教學準備的態度優於執行   行政事務;專業成長和學習上以教育相關背景者有較積極的表現;在自我反省部   分,則主要表現於對學生態度和在教學上;普遍抱持正向的課輔教學信念,且認   為擁有熱忱為優良課輔教師的首要條件。 八、個人經驗與背景、課輔計畫的制度為主要影響國小數學課後輔導教師之教學知能   的因素。 九、在師資甄選制度方面提供關於評審委員專業、標準和場域等建議。 十、對師資培訓制度在實施時機、對象和內容提出相關建議。 最後根據上述研究結論提出相關建議,以作為永齡希望小學課後輔導計畫、數學課輔教師和未來研究的參考。


The purpose of this study is to analyze the pedagogical knowledge of the math afterschool tutors in the Yonglin Hope School affiliated with National Chung Cheng University. Moreover, to discuss the background f afterschool tutors, and how to select and train them in order to improve their positive pedagogical knowledge play the important role in the study. Case study as a qualitative research method is applied in this study, and the data is collected via research methods including the classroom observation, document analysis, and semi-structured interview with five math afterschool tutors, three social workers, and two teaching mentors. After analyzing and discussing the data, the main findings of this research are as following: 1. The gap on the pedagogical knowledge of afterschool math tutos between theory and practice in the Yonglin Hope School still remain huge after the pre-service teacher training. 2. Besides the regulation of the Yonglin Hope School, the CCU division establishs its own speciail pre-service training program according the institute for disadavntaged students' learning also affliated by CCU and etc. 3. Regarding to the pedagogical knowledge, the principla investigator conculds five key elements including the general educational knowledge, math knowledge, math teaching strategies, classroom management knowledge, and teaching attitude and evaluation. 4. On the general education knowledge, the researcher has the following findings: the math afterschool tutors can comprehend the students and feel empathy with students; they have the basic understanding of the knowledge on students' physical and mental development, but lack for the knowledge on guiding the students; they present the knowledge of educational psychology in their teaching; they could use some strategies to analyze and judge the students' learning, target on students' learning difficulties, and focus on the misconception in teaching; they lack for knowledge of special needs students; they have a few performance and understanding of the mathematics curriculum knowledge, and they have trouble at mathematics curriculum implementation. 5. On Math knowledge, different views of the math common content knowledge from themath tutors, math teachers, and social workers are clarified; the math tutors have better performance in the math Specialized Content Knowledge who study at the center for teacher education; the math tutors present the better knowledge on the context judgement than discipline transformation ; the teachers' beliefs about teaching mathematics are different according to their own teaching experiences; and most of them have confidence in their own mathematical abilities. 6. Regarding to the Math teaching strategies and skills, the tutors try to inspire the students' motivation according to the students’ capacity for learning mathematics; the tutors have mulitiple belifs and opinions on the instructional design; the tutor runs afterschool program teaching depends on students’ ability and needs in teaching implementation; the afterschool program teaching need to face the struggle of time limits and switchs; the mentors understand that they must reorganize and transform in the teaching materials and methods, but the key is in the teaching experience. 7. On the Classroom management knowledge: the afterschool tutors use rules explanation, extinction and time-out to deals with student behavioral problems; they introduce incentive system and classroom management styles to manage the classroom climate; the establishment of class cadres and about the talk-move rules in classroom rule and procedure; and social workers become the afterschool teachers the major interaction object. 8. Regarding to the teaching attitude and evaluation, the professional standards and ethics are implemented by the afterschool tutors rather than their administration affairs; In teacher specialized study and professional growth, the afterschool tutors have positive attitudes on disadvantaged students' learning ; self reflections on their own teaching are manifest in the treatment of students and their teaching; they hold positive after-school tutoring beliefs and that must have teaching enthusiasm for the first condition of a good afterschool tutors. 9. Th pedagogical knowledge are highly influenced by the background and teaching experience of the tutors. 10. The afterschool program should keep an eye on the tutur selection procedureon afterschool pre-service and in-service teacher training. Finally, based on findings above, the principal investigator has some suggestion for the afterschool program of Yonglin Hope School, the afterschool tutors and further study as well.




