  • 學位論文

從憲法觀點論同性伴侶之保障 -以美國與南非為例

指導教授 : 蕭文生


由於同性伴侶確實存在在社會上,卻因法律未有保障而有一連串的社會問題。釋憲者對法規涵蓋不足應如何指示立法者立法?如何立法保障同性伴侶的權益是本文的問題意識。 本文先概括說明美國各州同性婚姻立法狀況,特別舉出Perry案為例,說明當司法判決與民意產生衝突時,美國法院如何處理。並以在美國聯邦最高法院判決後,以猶他州為例來觀察各州後續發展,結論上來說:美國聯邦最高法院允許各州自行決定是否承認同性婚姻及保障同性伴侶的立法,但是對於已經依州法締結的同性伴侶關係,其他州必須尊重其既得權,不得使同性伴侶與異性伴侶在聯邦法下有差別對待。接著,援引南非憲法法院Fourie案,從歷史、社會、宗教、未成年子女收養、權力分立等各種角度深入探討同性婚姻應合法化的理由。 我國法部分,先說明釋憲實務對婚姻的看法,並對制度性保障提出評析。第四章則以平等原則與人性尊嚴作為主要理由,連結到同性伴侶的身分、財產等實體法上權益,說明現行未保障同性伴侶權益不合憲法意旨。最後,以人性尊嚴作為憲法解釋的方法,在平等權的操作上融入寬容理念作為憲法解釋精神,建議立法者應另訂同性伴侶民事結合制度或直接將同性婚姻合法化以保障同性伴侶的權益。




The aim of this thesis is to explore the legalization of same-sex partnership and its entailed legal protection. It is a fact that same-sex partnerships exist in our society and have caused a series of social problems. Due to the lack of appropriate legislation, the issue of same-sex partnership has often provoked public controversies. This study begins with an overview of legalizing same-sex marriages in several states in the United States of America. The Supreme Court of United States in Windsor (2013) case illustrated how the U.S. Supreme Court ruled when citizens voted for the traditional “marriage” definition as a referendum in an effort to deny same-sex marriage. Consequently, the ruling has invalidated the partial federal law-“DOMA” and affected several other states in developing their legislation. In addition, the Fourie case in South Africa was explained in details to analyze Judge Albie Sachs, Jr.’s guideline judgment from historical, social, religious and domestic perspectives. Concerning the laws of our country in regard to marriage, an analysis is provided on the current legal system and its practice. In view of the constitutional rights of equality and human dignity, Chapter Four addresses the status, property and other rights of same sex-partners as they are not legally protected under our current laws. Lastly, based on the idea of “inclusion”, it is recommended that same-sex partnerships be given institutional recognition and legally protected under separate civil laws or by legalizing same-sex marriages.




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