  • 學位論文


Firm Productivity and the Number of Outward FDI Destinations:Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms

指導教授 : 劉文獻


本文以1,189家臺灣製造業廠商為研究對象,探討2001年至2010年間廠商相對生產力與其對外投資區位數的關係,並以Kolmogorov-Smirnov test進行檢定。實證結果顯示,在已開發國家投資的廠商其相對生產力與對外投資區位數不存在顯著關係,但在開發中國家投資的廠商其相對生產力與對外投資區位數卻存在顯著正向關係,其原因可能為臺灣製造業廠商的經營型態大多為從事代工製造的垂直外人直接投資 (vertical FDI) 所致。


This paper utilizes the data of 1,189 Taiwanese manufacturing firms during 2001-2010 to explore the relationship between a firm's productivity (in terms of either relative total factor productivity or relative labor productivity) and the number of its outward FDI destinations. The results from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test suggest no sign of Pecking Order proposed by Yeaple (2009) when outward FDI destinations are the developed countries. On the other hand, when destinations are developing economies, we find a strong support of Pecking Order from the KS test. These contradictive results to previous studies (Yeaple, 2009; Tananka, 2012) can be attributed to the typical type of FDI (the cost-reduction vertical FDI) conducted by Taiwanese manufacturing firms.


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