  • 學位論文


A Study on the Success Factors of Executive Search Firm Matching Executives

指導教授 : 簡建忠 衛民


摘要 台灣人才市場在兩岸的密切交流及亞太市場對台灣人才的招手,讓台灣高階主管人才的斷層及人力缺口,企業要找到這些高階主管人才,不是靠人脈,就是靠獵才公司的獵才服務來尋找。目前台灣企業對於獵才服務此一管道已是非常熟悉,但獵才服務的高仲介費與成效卻是很多企業對此招募管道怯步的原因之一。本研究目的是探討我國獵才公司媒合高階人才的成功因素。 本研究透過文獻分析法及個案深入訪談法,以媒合成功的個案中的之三方-獵才公司、用人企業的人力資源部門及高階人才,來進行訪談研究探討獵才服務媒合成功之因素。 本研究是以代理理論及交易成本理論觀點來解釋獵才公司與用人企業關係,使兩者關係架構與問題更為明確。以代理理論觀點研究發現,透過誘因與監督能促使獵才公司,達成尋找適合的高階主管人才的目的,用人企業應採取結果導向型的服務契約。而以交易成本理論來看,獵才公司需透過一些機制來選擇有誠信的企業和高階人才合作;而用人企業應建立良好的管理及稽核制度來挑選獵才公司合作。而雙方應訂定完整的合作契約,建立一個互信及良好的人際關係,降低不確定性,才能使交易成本降低。 從個案訪談的研究結論獵才服務成功媒合高階主管的因素如下:一、企業人力資源人員良好的溝通協調能力。二、獵才顧問熟稔產業鏈關係及透過用人企業人力資源部門了解企業的需求。三、獵才顧問建立的人才來源管道與良好的人脈關係。四、獵才顧問良好的溝通能力。五、獵才顧問以稟持以專業及誠信為守則。 關鍵詞:獵才服務、獵才公司


獵才公司 獵才服務


Abstract The close cross-straits exchange of Taiwanese talent market and the wave of Asia-pacific markets to the talents in Taiwan have led to the fault of Taiwan’s top executive and the gap of human resource. Companies don’t depend on connections to find top executive talents but on the executive search of executive search firm. Although Taiwanese companies have been very familiar with such channel of executive search, it has retreated many companies to recruit through the channel for its high agency fee and efficiency. The study aims to discuss the success factors of executive search company matching executives. Through literature analysis and individual case in-depth interview method, the study conducted interviews among the three parties, namely, the executive search firm, employer's human resources department and executives of individual cases that are successfully matched, discussing the factors of executive search firm’s successful matching. Based on the Agency Theory and the Transaction Cost Theory, the relationship between executive search firm and employer was explained to define their relation structure and problems. It is found through the Agency Theory that inducement and supervision can assist executive search company to achieve the purpose of finding the suitable executives, while the employer shall adopt results-oriented service contract. However, from the perspective of Transaction Costs Theory, the executive search firm should cooperate with companies and executives with good faith by a certain mechanism, while the employer company should establish good management and examination system to cooperate with executive search firm. Both parties should stipulate complete cooperation contract to establish an interpersonal relationship with mutual trust and benignancy, lowering uncertainties and reducing transaction costs. From the individual case interview, the successful factors of executive firm matching executives are concluded as follows: (1) Good communication skills of employer’s HR. (2) Executive search specialists’ acquaintance with the industrial chain and good knowledge of employers’ demands learned from the human resource department. (3) Executive search specialists’ establishment of talents resource channels and good interpersonal connections. (4) Executive search specialists’ good communication skills. (5) Executive search specialists’ uphold of the principle of profession and integrity. Key words: executive search; executive search firm


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