  • 學位論文

文學、歷史、與真實─ 以張嘉驊「月光三部曲」為例

Literature, History, and Reality

指導教授 : 楊智景 江寶釵


綜觀台灣近代史,這三、四百年以來,台灣先由荷蘭、西班牙佔領、再歷經明鄭時期、日本統治,以及台灣光復後,因查緝私菸,處理不當引發的二二八事件。在此期間,台灣有相當長的時間是處於被殖民的地位。因此,在這多元文化的歷史巨輪之下,造就了台灣兼容並蓄的文化面貌,所謂台灣意識也就是民族認同,就顯得更加重要。 歷史教育是國家民族意識的基礎。本研究透過張嘉驊月光三部曲《淡水女巫的魔幻地圖》、《巨靈動員令》和即將出版的《時空變奏》。這四本少年奇幻小說,以台灣近三、四百年的歷史為軸線,藉由一張被施了魔法的鹿皮地圖,讓故事主角來回穿越時空隧道。並透過奇幻寫實的手法來寫歷史事件,帶領少年讀者了解更多臺灣歷史,對於歷史事件的傷痛能作一番省思。在反思「殖民主義」對臺灣歷史的影響之餘,希望青少年對歷史事件的創傷,能抱以正向光明的思考,而在緬懷歷史創傷的同時,學習愛與寬恕。


From viewpoint of modern history, during three to four hundred years Taiwan was first colonized by the Dutch, then by the Spanish, the Ming Zheng, and the Japanese respectively. After the retrocession of Taiwan, the improper handling of the ban of illegal cigarette trading led to the outbreak of 228 Event. In the meantime, Taiwan has for a long time been in the colonized status. Therefore, under this multicultural wheel of history, Taiwan has created an inclusive cultural landscape. Thus, the so-called Taiwanese consciousness of national identity has become even more important. History education has always been the foundation of the national identity. This study is based on Jia-Hua Chang’s Moonlight Trilogy, The Magical Map of Tamsuei Witch, Giant Spirit Mobilization and the forthcoming publication Temporal Variation. These four juvenile fantasy novels using Taiwan history of four hundred years as the axis have the stories protagonists come back and forth through time and space tunnels by an enchanted deerskin map. Through fantasy realistic approach to write the history of the events, the author hopes to lead more teenager readers to learn Taiwan history, and further learn to make some reflection from the most painful historical events. In addition to reflection on the impact of "colonialism" in Taiwan history, the author also hopes that young people can hold an appositive thinking on the trauma of historical events, and while in the memory of historical trauma, they can as well learn how to love and forgive.


