  • 學位論文


The Study of Student Empowerment Through Liberal Arts Learning at Po-Ya School of Tunghai University: The Application of Transformative Learning Theory

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨


本研究目的係探討東海大學博雅書院生參與博雅學習發生觀點轉化的機制。首先由巨觀的向度,了解東海大學受到基督新教精神影響的歷史背景脈絡;繼而以中距離觀點釐清博雅書院教育內容的設計;再由微觀個體的向度,以學生做為主體瞭解書院生參與書院動機、學習歷程及其困境;並聚焦受訪者轉化的內、外機制以及獲得之增能結果。最後並依據研究結果提出相關建議,作為東海大學推動書院教育的理論建構之參考。 本研究採紮根理論研究法,結合立意抽樣與理論抽樣,選取十位博雅書院第一、二屆畢業生進行訪談。訪談內容配合研究者實務工作記錄以及蒐集之實物資料進行驗證,並使用Nvivio 10軟體進行質化分析瞭解研究目的所列之問題。 從研究參與者訪談的內容分析中發現,博雅書院在基督新教信仰的背景下推動博雅書院教育,在緊密的人際連結當中進行深度的學習分享,由此在書院學習情境中產生種種理解差異的對比事件,進而觸發了學習動機放大效應。因此本研究提出書院學習將會創造「緊密的人際連結產生對比事件,進而促發學習動機放大效應」理論,簡稱「人際對比效應」理論,做為書院學習能夠產生觀點轉化與增能的主軸概念。 針對研究目的,本研究提出以下結論: 一、書院投入的教育資源以深度人際連結的方式呈現。 二、加入書院的動機與認同必須與博雅教育的價值精神具有一致性。 三、人際連結創造了對比事件並啟動了放大效應進而觸發轉化。 四、知識實踐態度三大面向均有增能,但以實踐面最為清晰;並另有整合面向的增能。 五、博雅書院教育理論與實踐確實應以人為主體。 根據研究結果,茲提出以下建議: 一、對東海大學推動博雅教育的建議 (一) 進行國內外博雅教育理念與實務的交流合作 (二) 應有系統地進行博雅教育人才的培育 (三) 建立書院教育的主體性 (四) 促進書院教育內容進行創造導向的轉型 二、對書院教育內容設計規劃的建議 (一) 核心理念要清晰地融入教育設計之中 (二) 從課程講授導向改為學生發展導向 (三) 要重視緊密人際連結對學習動機的放大效應 (四) 要保持多元性的內容規劃 三、對參與書院教育學生的建議 (一) 明晰地確認自身學習的價值精神導向 (二) 要明確釐清自身的學習動機之自發性 (三) 學習行動須定位於實踐與創造導向 (四) 要能接受緊密的人際互動 四、未來研究的建議 (一) 書院學習中輟的原因有待探討 (二) 書院畢業學生發展的長期追蹤 (三) 學習與增能成果的多樣化指標建立


The purpose of this study is to explore the mechanism of transformation of students who were involved in liberal arts learning at Po-Ya school. This study first investigates the impact of Protestant Spirit on Tunghai University in a macro perspective through literature review and historical context. Then in a middle scale, it tries to clarify the design of education of Po-Ya School. The main part of this study is to understand students’ motivation of joining Po-Ya School, their learning process and difficulties, and focuses on the interviewees’ inner and outer mechanism of transformation and the result of the empowerment in a micro perspective. Finally, according to the result of study, the researcher provides suggestion on the theoretical construction of liberal arts education for Tunghai University. By means of grounded theory approach, a total of ten graduates were selected through purpose sampling and theoretical sampling, five belonging to the first year and five to the second year respectively. The interview content was analyzed by Nvivo10 and the research reliability was confirmed with records and articles collected from the researcher’s field of practice. The study discovers that Po-Ya School was established on the background of Protestantism and its graduates were immersed in in-depth learning and sharing through close interpersonal relationship. Consequently such contrast events happened as to make the interviewees realize their differences from those non-participants, and these contrast events would touch off the amplifying effect of learning motivation. Based on the findings, the study proposes “interpersonal contrast effect theory” that defines the main characteristic of transformation and empowerment of liberal arts learning at Po-Ya School. The study leads to the following conclusions: 1. The education resources invested in Po-Ya School are manifested in its in-depth interpersonal connection. 2. Students’ motivation of joining and their identity with Po-Ya School must coincide with the core spirit of liberal arts learning. 3. Interpersonal connection creates contrast events and amplifies learning motivation, and therefore touches off transformation. 4. Empowerment happens in four dimensions: knowledge, praxis, attitude and integration, and praxis dimension is the most manifest. 5.The theory and practice of liberal arts education should be human-based. The study proposes the following suggestions: For Tunghai University: 1. More exchange and cooperation with school practicing liberal arts education home and abroad. 2. More human resources invested with systematic training in liberal arts education. 3. More independence for a liberal arts school. 4. Education content transforming into more creativity-oriented. For the design of liberal arts education: 1.Integrating the core spirit of liberal arts into the education design. 2. Changing the courses from lecture-oriented to student-development-oriented. 3. More attention to the motivation amplifying effect of close interpersonal connection on contrast events. 4.Diversity in education content design. Students who will join liberal arts school are encouraged to own the following characteristics: 1.The value and spirit of learning consistent with that of the liberal arts school. 2. Intrinsic learning motivation. 3. Praxis-and creativity-oriented learning. 4. Willingness to accept close interpersonal interaction. Finally, the research suggests more studies should probe into the reasons of students who drop out of liberal arts education, and long-term tracking of graduates of liberal arts education. In addition, multiple indexes of leaning and empowerment should be established.


