  • 學位論文


The Effect of Emoticon on Use Instant Messaging to Loyalty

指導教授 : 廖則竣


即時通訊軟體的蓬勃發展,如何留住使用者成為各個開發商的難題之一,近來許多即時通訊軟體開始對於表情圖示進行開發、推廣,不管是付費的還是免費的,表情圖示儼然成為了即時通訊軟體開發商的兵家必爭之地,也有許多商家開始藉由表情圖示來廣告自家的產品或是打形象廣告,搭配了店家在即時通訊軟體上的官方帳號,也讓表情圖示成為了一種新興的行銷方式。因此是否表情圖示可能成為影響即時通訊軟體的忠誠度之影響因素。 本研究指在了解使用者使用表情圖示的所感受到的關鍵多數、享樂性、知覺有用性影響使用者對於表情圖示的知覺價值與滿意度,除此之外再藉由表情圖示的知覺價值與滿意度來探討使用者對於即時通訊軟體的整體滿意度以及忠誠度表現。本研究採用問卷調查法,共蒐集到347份有效問卷,資料分析採用結構方程式模式來驗證本研究模式各個變數間的因果關係。結果發現:關鍵多數對於享樂性、知覺有用性、知覺價值及表情圖示的滿意度皆有正向且顯著的影響;享樂性對於知覺有用性、知覺價值、表情圖示的滿意度皆有正向且顯著的影響;知覺有用性對於知覺價值與表情圖示的滿意度皆有正向且顯著影響;知覺價值對表情圖示的滿意度及即時通訊軟體的整體滿意度皆有正向且顯著的影響;表情圖示的滿意度對即時通訊軟體的整體滿意度有正向且顯著的影響;即時通訊軟體的整體滿意度對於忠誠度有正向且顯著的影響。研究發現關鍵多數為一重要因素,可影響表情圖示的各項變數,可供即時通訊軟體軟體開發商一個參考。


Inspired by the booming instant messaging software, one of the problems of individual developers is how to retain the user. Recently, many instant messaging software began to develop and promote the emoticon, whether it is paid or free, emoticon became the battleground of thedevelopers of instant messaging software, lots of businesses starts to use emoticon to advertising their own goods or for image advertising. With the stores official account in the instant messaging software, it let the emoticon became a new marketing approach. So whether the emoticons could be the factors affecting the loyalty of instant messaging software. The aim of this research is to understand the emoticon affect the user’s perceived value and satisfaction that the user’s felt critical mass, enjoyment and perceived usefulnesswhile they use the emoticon. In addition to use the perceived value and satisfaction of the emoticon to explore user’s overall performance of satisfaction and loyalty for the instant messaging software. This study used survey questionnaire method, 347 valid questionnaires were recovered. Our data analysis was by structure equation modeling(SEM) to verify the causal relationship between the research model of each variable. The results showed: Critical mass for enjoyment, perceived usefulness, perceived value and the satisfaction of emoticon have positive and significant impact; Enjoyment for perceived usefulness, perceived value and the satisfaction of emoticon have positive and significant impact; Perceived usefulness for perceived value and the satisfaction of emoticon have positive and significant impact; Perceived value for the satisfaction of emoticon and the overall satisfaction of instant messaging softwarehave positive and significant impact; The satisfaction of emoticon for the overall satisfaction of instant messaging softwarehave positive and significant impact; The overall satisfaction of instant messaging softwarefor loyalty have positive and significant impact. Our research found critical mass is an important factor that can affect each variables of emoticons, and can use this as a reference for the developers of instant messaging software.


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陳大為(2015)。探討通訊軟體貼圖購買意圖 影響因素之研究〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614025068
