  • 學位論文


The Study of Cloud Service Adoption for Enterprises-Evidence from Taiwan Industry

指導教授 : 洪育忠


近年來,雲端運算急速發展為全球IT產業未來十大趨勢之首位,被喻為「將改變全球10億電腦使用人口生活、顛覆全球網路版圖」的前瞻產業,全球國際大廠及政府皆已計劃投入龐大資源,並帶動各項產業之發展。雲端時代的來臨,會讓企業考量其所帶來的利弊得失,因此企業採用之前,必先評估雲端服務將會為企業帶來哪些效益以及可能面臨的風險,例如:企業在資訊技術(IT)以及資訊系統(IS)上之投入成本能否大幅降低、透過雲端運算系統能否優化營運流程並提升企業績效、其彈性的運用方式是否會影響企業內部之資訊安全。總之不論採用哪種類型的雲端運算服務模式,勢必都將影響企業營運模式,並改變其企業流程及內部員工使用資訊系統的習慣。 本研究採用問卷調查法,蒐集國內不同產業之中高階主管填答結果,用以探討影響企業採用雲端運算系統及其服務模式意願之因素。總計回收163份有效問卷,運用各項統計分析方法,來驗證本研究所提出之假說。研究結果發現,產品知識、認知程度、成本風險、安全效益風險以及資訊風險皆會影響企業使用雲端運算系統的之意願。


Recent years, Cloud computing have been developed rapidly to be a top technology of next 10 trends of global IT industry. The using of technology, cloud computing has begun to impact the development of every industry, it also hailed as “changed the lives of 1 billion people of using computer of the whole world and subverted the scope of the global network”. The coming of cloud computing era will make corporations to consider the pros and cons, so companies must evaluate what benefits and risks of cloud services will bring to themselves before adopting cloud computing systems. For example, the costs of the Information Technology(IT) and Information Systems(IS) of enterprise will reduce significantly;simplify the business processes to enhance their profits through the cloud computing system. No matter what kind of cloud computing service mode that companies use, it will have an inevitable impact on business operations model, and transform their business processes and change the patterns and habits of employees who use information systems in the corporate. This study used questionnaires to collect the responses of the executive respondents in various industries who have been or are willing to use cloud computing system and the service model. There were totally 163 valid questionnaires and used statistical analysis to verify the hypothesis that established in this study. The study found that willingness of enterprises using cloud computing system will be affected by the product knowledge, awareness, risk of cost, risk of benefit and the risk of information security.


