  • 學位論文


The Effect on Homeland Security of the Advanced Passenger Information System Establishment at the Mailiao Harbor

指導教授 : 林泰和


美國911事件及伊斯蘭國(Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham,簡稱 ISIS)的恐怖攻擊發生後,世界各國家對於國境安全無不重視,如何應用高科技的軟硬體,來提昇管理國境的效能,我國推行「航前旅客資訊系統」(Advanced Passenger Information System, APIS)偵防機制,強化旅客航前資訊之取得,因應國際上智慧型電子旅行證件使用趨勢,符合國際潮流並與國際接軌;網路上申請,還可以節省紙張、免去航商送件舟車勞頓,也能強化我國國土安全範疇。 近來不法之徒亦常透過航空與海上運輸,進行各種違法之行為,包括恐怖攻擊、變造證件、走私、人口販賣、非法工作、居留、詐騙等等,對國境安全之管理面臨艱鉅之挑戰。如何透過資訊科技快速過濾旅客身分、檢核出管制或安全顧慮之對象,建置航前旅客資訊系統,期能透過電子資訊通報資料機制,有效過濾管制對象,發揮打擊犯罪之效並能確保國土安全。 麥寮工業專用港為我國重大基礎設施之一,在台塑六輕工業園區內,負責園區內貨物、原料及成品運輸。如遭受到恐怖攻擊或被恐怖份子佔領,將會嚴重影響國內經濟及國防安全,所以要及早注意防範,規劃防恐作為,才不會造成損害後,再來補救,就為時已晚了。 航前旅客資訊系統採用批次資料傳輸方式,針對所有從我國起飛與抵達的航空公司班機及船舶,自動過濾旅客身分,通緝犯、毒品走私犯、恐怖份子及其他安全顧慮人口等都逃不過系統自動篩檢,協助航警及安檢人員提早預作防範及處理。


Countries around the world has been paying more attention on border security after the 911 and ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) tourist attack. High-tech software and hardware are apply in order to enhance the effectiveness of border management. The implementation of the investigation and prevention mechanism in Taiwan, called the Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS), enables us to obtain passenger information prior to departure. The electronic traveling documents are in line with the international trends. The online application can also reduce the usage of paper and eliminate the trouble of shipping; furthermore, strengthen our national security coverage. Recently, through aviation and maritime transportation, criminals also carry out illegal acts such as terrorist attack, document alternation, smuggling, human trafficking, illegal employment and resident, fraud, etc. Therefore, the management of border security is facing a formidable challenge. The implementation of the APIS could make it possible to quickly filter through passenger identity and detect passengers who’s under supervision or has security concerns. The electronic information data base enables us to effectively filter through control objects; thus, fight against the crime and ensure our homeland security. Mailiao industry-specific harbor is one of the major infrastructure in Taiwan, located in the Formosa Plastics Corp’s (FPC) sixth naphtha cracker complex industrial park, Mailiao harbor is responsible for transportation of goods, raw materials and finished products. The domestic economy and national security can be seriously affected if the harbor is under attack or occupied by the terrorists. Hence, we must set up early prevention and plan an anti-terrorism act so we don’t wait until it’s too late to remedy. APIS use the batch data transmission, aiming at all the arrival and departure of flights and ships to automatically filter passenger identity. Those who are wanted criminals, drug smugglers, terrorists, and other suspected personnel cannot escape from the automatic screening of the system. Therefore, provide early prevention and processing for police and security personnel.


林泰和,「國際恐怖主義研究──結構、策略、工具、資金」,問題與研究 第47 卷 第2 期 2008年6月,頁119-149。
Dimitrov Radoslav S., Water, Conflict, and Security: A Conceptual Minefield(Society and Natural Resources, Vol.15, No.8,2002)。
