  • 學位論文


The Study of Learning Participation, Social Support, and Well-being for Elderly Learners in Taipei city

指導教授 : 李藹慈


本研究旨在探討臺北市高齡學習者,學習參與狀況及來自於學習參與過程中的社會支持,對於其幸福感預測力。本研究採用問卷調查法,針對臺北市目前55歲以上有參與學習的高齡學習者,以樂齡學習中心、社區大學、長青學苑、老人社會大學等高齡學習機構分區抽樣,共發出474份問卷,得到有效問卷338份,結果再以描述性統計、平均數差異考驗、單因子變異數分析及廻歸分析等統計方法進行分析,本研究的結論如下: 一、 臺北市高齡學習者平均一週參與學習5.36小時,平均已參加3.82年,主要參加的課程內容,以興趣需求課程最多,其次為運動保健,但幸福感普通。 二、 「離婚或分居」的高齡學習者,每週參與學習的時間,大於「已婚有偶」及「已婚喪偶」的高齡學習者;已婚有偶的高齡學習者,幸福感比未婚者高。 三、 在參與學習的過程中,76歲以上的高齡學習者,獲得的情緒支持比 66歲~75歲者多。76歲以上的高齡學習者,獲得的實質支持,也比55歲~75歲者多。 四、 健康狀況好的高齡學習者,參與學習所接受到的情緒支持比健康狀況普通的高,幸福感也比健康狀況不好或是健康狀況普通的高齡學習者還要高。 五、 臺北市一週參與學習11小時以上的高齡學習者,比參與10小時以下的更幸福。 六、 臺北市高齡學習者的背景變項,包含性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、經濟狀況、健康狀況及居住狀況,對幸福感有23%的預測力最高,社會支持有17%次之,學習參與對幸福感有6%的預測力。 七、 高齡者學習者的健康狀況、一週參與學習時間,以及課堂中的社會整合等,是最能預測幸福感的幾個要素。 關鍵字:高齡學習者、學習參與、社會支持、幸福感


The main purpose of this study was to explore the predictive ability of elderly learners (in Taipei) to well-being from their learning participation and social support. Questionnaire survey was used to investigate elderly learners aged over 55 in Taipei city. Of 474 questionnaires 338 valid were collected. Data was then examined by descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation analysis and regression analysis. The conclusions are as follows: 1. In average, elderly learners in Taipei city spend 5.36 hours per week participating in learning and have participated in it for 3.82 years; they attend the course of their interests and demands the most, followed by sports and health courses but with only ordinary sense of well-being. 2. Elderly learners who are divorced or separated spend more time learning than married or widowed ones, while married ones have higher sense of well-being than unmarried ones. 3. Elderly learners of over 76 years receive more emotional support from learning participation than those aged 66-75; they also receive more tangible assistance than those aged 55-75. 4. Elderly learners with good health condition receive more emotional support than those with general condition; they also have higher well-being than those with general or poor health condition. 5. Elderly learners in Taipei City who spend more than 11 hours participating in learning have higher sense of well-being than those who spend 10 hours or less. 6. Background variables of Taipei’s elderly learners ,including gender, age, marital status , education, economic status, health status, and living status, have the highest predictability to well-being, accounting for 23%, with social support from learning participation coming the next (17%), followed by learning participation the last, which is 6%. 7. Health status, weekly time spent on learning participation and social integration in class are indicators that are most capable of predicting well-being. Keyword: elderly learner, learning participation, social support, well-being


