  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship among Social Support, Self-efficacy and Learning Motivation of Aboriginal Adult Learners

指導教授 : 黃富順


本研究旨在探討原住民成人學習者的社會支持、自我效能與學習動機的關係。為達研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,選擇四所分佈在北部、中部、南部與東部的技職院校,原住民就讀技職院校回流教育者為研究對象,採用分層比率隨機抽樣,共抽取有效樣本390人;研究工具為「原住民成人學習者社會支持、自我效能與學習動機調查問卷」,包含「個人基本資料」、「社會支持量表」、「自我效能量表」及「學習動機量表」等四部分,問卷資料經進行統計分析後,獲得以下九項結論: 一、原住民成人學習者的社會支持良好,且以情感支持層面較高。 二、原住民成人學習者的社會支持與婚姻狀況有關,而與性別、年齡及職業等無關。 三、原住民成人學習者的自我效能尚屬良好。 四、原住民成人學習者的自我效能與性別、年齡有關,而與職業、婚姻狀況情形無關。 五、原住民成人學習者的學習動機屬於中高程度。 六、原住民成人學習者的學習動機與性別、年齡有關,而與職業及婚姻狀況無關。 七、原住民成人學習者的社會支持與學習動機具有正相關。 八、原住民成人學習者的自我效能與學習動機有正相關。 九、原住民成人學習者背景變項、社會支持及自我效能對學習動機具有預測力,且自我效能為中介變項。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對原住民成人學習者之建議 (一)原住民成人學習者宜積極獲致社會支持,提升自我效能,以增強學習動機。 (二)增進未婚者的社會支持,以增強學習動機。 (三)擴充女性及年齡較輕者的人際網絡,以提升自我效能。 (四)增強女性及年齡較輕者的自我效能,以提高學習動機。 二、對政府及辦理學校之建議 (一)政府應在政策上多提供原住民學習者的社會支持,激發其學習動機。 (二)學校宜激發原住民成人學習正向心理,提升學習動機。 (三)學校可以從教學活動中增強學習者的自我效能。 (四)學校宜多給予學習者學習上的方便,以提升學習動機。 (五)學校應主動提供社會支持的訊息與資源。 三、對未來研究的建議 (一)將原住民教育與原住民教育機構的教學者納為研究對象。 (二)增加研究變項。 (三)增加開放式題型,以便更了解受試者的想法和意見。


This study aims to discuss the relationship among social support, self-efficacy and learning motivation of aboriginal adult learners. A questionnaire survey method is adopted in the study. The participants are 390 aboriginal adult learners entering technical and vocational colleges and schools for recurrent education in Northern, Southern, Central and Eastern Taiwan; The research tool is composed of four parts including “Personal Information”, “Social Support Scale”, “Self-efficacy Scale” and “Learning Motivation Scale”. After the statistical analysis of questionnaire data is performed, we obtain the nine conclusions as follows: 1. Aboriginal adult learners receive high-level of social support, especial in emotional support. 2. Degree of social support of aboriginal adult learners is significantly related to their marital status instead of variables including gender, ages and occupation. 3. Aboriginal adult learners have a fair level of self-efficacy. 4. Degree of self-efficacy of aboriginal adult learners is related to gender and age instead of occupation and marital status. 5. Aboriginal adult learners reach upper intermediate level of learning motivation. 6. Degree of learning motivation of aboriginal adult learners is related to gender and age instead of occupation and marital status. 7. Social support of aboriginal adult learners has a positive correlation to learning motivation. 8. Self-efficacy of aboriginal adult learners has a positive correlation to learning motivation. 9. Aboriginal adult learners’ background variables, social support and self-efficacy have predictive power to learning motivation, besides, self-efficacy functions as a mediator. Based on the conclusions, this study proposes the following suggestions: I. Suggestions for aboriginal adult learners (I) Aboriginal adult learners are advised to actively obtain social support and facilitate self-efficacy to strengthen learning motivation. (II) Gain the social support of the unmarried to strengthen learning motivation. (III) Extend the interpersonal network of female and younger individuals to facilitate self-efficacy. (IV) Strengthen the self-efficacy of female and younger individuals to heighten learning motivation. II. Suggestion for government authorities and undertaking schools (I) Government authorities should provide more of social support to aboriginal learners to inspire their learning motivation. (II) Schools are advised to inspire aboriginal adults to learn positive thinking in order to facilitate learning motivation. (III) Schools can strengthen learners’ self-efficacy through learning activities. (IV) Schools are advised to provide more of learning convenience to learners to facilitate learning motivation. (V) Schools should actively provide information and resources of social support. III. Suggestions for future studies (I) Incorporate instructors in Aboriginal education and aboriginal education institutes in research subjects. (II) Add research variables. (III) Add open-ended questions to have a better understanding of subjects’ thoughts and opinions.




