  • 學位論文


Post 9/11 USA Intelligence Reform: The Study of anti-terror and military organization

指導教授 : 林泰和


摘要 2001年的九一一恐怖攻擊事件震驚全世界,而具有預警功能的情報系統居然沒有及時發揮效能導致恐怖事件的發生,為此,美國國會成立獨立調查的九一一委員會針對此一恐怖攻擊進行全面性調查與檢討。接著在2004年7月22日提出「911委員會報告」,並根據此一報告中的建議,於2004年簽署了「情報改革與反恐法案」並在美國國內進行一連串的情報改革。因此,本文以後九一一時期美國情報改革在反恐與軍事組織為研究重點。 而九一一攻擊事件背後的非傳統安全因素影響情報與國家安全的關係,也因此影響美國的情報改革。再加上,美國前總統小布希在九一一恐怖攻擊事件之後,發布反恐戰爭的宣言,也立即展開軍事報復行動。因此本文首先討論情報與國家安全的關係與其在非傳統安全之下的關係為何。並從四個單位的成立做為後九一一美國情報改革的重點調整來討論:美國情報總監的設立、反恐中心的設立、國土安全部的設立以及情資融合中心的設立。而因應美國反恐戰爭的宣言,本文接著探討美國重點軍事情報單位-美國國防情報局在後九一一時期的情報改革調整。 關鍵字:情報改革、國防情報局、九一一事件、非傳統安全


Abstract The 9/11 event has shocked the whole world. And the warning intelligence system didn’t work out well to prevent and protect the U.S.A. Therefore, the US congress established an investigation group who started investigating how the 9/11 attack happened. July the 22. 2004, the 9/11 Commission Report released, which led to the establishment of “Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, IRTPA” which is the milestone of US intelligence reformation. Based on these, this study will put a focus on post 9/11 USA intelligence reform of anti-terror and military organization. One of the factors behind the 9/11 event is the non-traditional security which affects the relationship between intelligence and the state. Also, the former USA president George Bush has announced the war on terror and took military action towards terrorists. Therefore, this study will first discuss about the relationship between intelligence and the state, and as well the relationship under non-traditional security. Secondly, the study will discuss about intelligence reform from four new intelligence units which are the Director of Intelligence Agency, the National Counterterrorist Center, the Homeland Security Department and the Fusion Centers as the main intelligence adjustment after the 9/11 event. Lastly, in response to the declaration of war on terror, this study discuss one of the most important military intelligence agency, Defense Intelligence Agency on its post 9/11 the reformation. Key Words: intelligence reform, Defense Intelligence Agency, 9/11 event, non-traditional security


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