  • 學位論文


Study on the Assembly Constitution of Corrugated Paperboard Furniture

指導教授 : 江吉龍


本研究係蒐集40件市售瓦楞紙板家具樣本,藉簡易統合型KJ研究法與交叉分析方法,探討瞭解一般市售瓦楞紙板家具的組裝構成形式,以及未曾使用過且可嘗試製作瓦楞紙板家具的組裝構成形式;接著,在從未曾使用過且可嘗試製作瓦楞紙板家具的組裝構成形式中,運用綠色設計概念與內涵來進行SWOT分析篩選,並就實際空間規劃與套組家具設計的試作與驗證,以全面瞭解瓦楞紙板可製作家具的組裝構成形式,供設計製作應用之參考。茲逐層彙整歸類與試作體驗獲得以下結論: 1. 市售瓦楞紙板家具大多數由一體成形分件與企口搭扣連接形式(MWCh)、一體成形分件與穿扣連接形式(MWCt)、一體成形分件與其他連接形式(MWCa)、折疊閉合且折疊開放分件與企口搭扣且穿扣連接形式(MCOCht)、折疊閉合且折疊開放分件與穿扣連接形式(MCOCt)、折疊閉合且平板結構分件與黏貼組合連接(MCBCg)、折疊開放分件與企口搭扣且穿扣連接形式(MOCht)、折疊開放分件與穿扣連接形式(MOCt)、折疊開放且平板結構分件與企口搭扣連接形式(MOBCh)、折疊開放且平板結構分件與穿扣連接形式(MOBCt)、平板結構分件與企口搭扣連接形式(MBCh) 以及平板結構分件與黏貼組合連接形式(MBCg)等12種類型的搭配組合構成。 2. 未曾使用過且可嘗試製作瓦楞紙板家具的組裝構成形式中,經篩選獲得可適切製作之平板結構分件與穿扣連接形式(MBCt)、折疊閉合且平板結構分件與穿扣連接形式(MCBCt)、折疊開放分件與企口搭扣連接形式(MOCh)以及平板結構分件與企口搭扣且穿扣連接形式(MBCht)等4種類型搭配組合的新構成形式。 3. 依實際空間規劃所製作套組家具,所選用待嘗試製作瓦楞紙板家具的組裝構成形式,其結構構成穩定,套組家具造型容易發揮,是可用來作為瓦楞紙板家具之組合構成。當然,在試作過程當中的家具雛形,尚仍有進一步改善的空間,有待後續的研究。


In this study, the collected 40 samples of commercial corrugated paperboard furniture were investigated by KJ-simplified integration and cross-study analysis to explore the assembly constitution of corrugated paperboard furniture and trials that have not been used or produced. And, these assembly constitution trials were analyzed with SWOT approach by applying the green design concept and its connotation. A space planning was outlined and the trial furniture sets were produced and verified in order to understand the feasibility of adequate assembly constitutions for making corrugated paperboard furniture and on the reference for the application in design and manufacturing. The conclusion was made based on the systematic classification and trial furniture products as following: 1. Commercial corrugated paperboard furniture was dominated by integrated pasts and whole shape with high pieces at the mouth hasp in the form of connection (MWCh), forming one sub-pieces to wear with the deduction in the form of connection (MWCt), one piece at forming connections with other forms of (MWCa), folding closed and folded pieces and the opening minutes rate hasp and I wear labels in the form of connection (MCOCht), folding closed and folded pieces of sub-openings wear and deduction in the form of connection (MCOCt), folding closed and chip parts and sub-structure of the combination of adhesive connection ( MCBCg), folded pieces of opening hours and prices hasp and I wear labels in the form of connection (MOCht), folded pieces of sub-openings wear and deduction in the form of connection (MOCt), folding chip and open structure of the sub-pieces and I stand hasp in the form of connection (MOBCh), and began film-folded structure of the sub-pieces to wear with the deduction in the form of connection (MOBCt), chip related to the rate structure at the mouth hasp in the form of connection (MBCh ), as well as pieces of sub-structure of the chip and adhesive combination in the form of connection (MBCg), and other 12 types of combination constitute. 2. The corrugated paperboard furniture assembly constitutions trials that have never been used and produced, may be appropriate after screened as the film-making structure of the sub-pieces to wear with the deduction in the form of connection (MBCt), folding closed and sub-structure of the chip and pieces of clothing labels in the form of connection (MCBCt), folded pieces of opening hours and I stand hasp in the form of connection (MOCh) as well as the structure of the chip at the mouth piece with hasp and wear rates connector in the form of connection (MBCht) with 4 types of new portfolio constitute a form. 3. According to the actual spatial planning and trial production of the group sets of furniture, the selected corrugated paperboard furniture assembly constitutions showed stable and easy to create a style of furniture group. It is available as a combination of corrugated paperboard furniture poses. Of course for those embryonic forms of furniture trials, there is still room for further improvement and follow-up.


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