  • 學位論文


Nest-Site Selection by Crested Goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus formosae) in Urban Environments in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 孫元勳


都市化的發展過程造成自然環境破碎化與棲地喪失,對猛禽帶來許多負面的影響,但仍有猛禽能利用食物資源並適應都市環境進行繁殖。目前都市猛禽在台灣的研究相當地少,本研究目的將透過鳳頭蒼鷹(Accipiter trivirgatus formosae)在台灣南部都市環境中的族群,探討:(一)台灣南部地區都市環境中鳳頭蒼鷹的巢位分布與巢位棲地利用;(二)不同尺度下鳳頭蒼鷹巢位棲地利用與對照組之間的差異;(三)利用巢位選擇與初步的食物分析,探討鳳頭蒼鷹如何適應都市環境之因素,藉此提出未來對鳳頭蒼鷹在都市地區的保育及經營管理之建議。 研究結果顯示,2008年台灣南部都市環境鳳頭蒼鷹所使用的巢樹中(n=36),外來樹種的比例比原生樹種來的高。樹高、胸高徑與樹冠覆蓋度都比隨機配對的樹木要大。0.04公頃微棲地的測量值中,dbh大於5公分樹木的平均樹高、數量、密度與總斷面積皆大於對照組。但比較最近的人行道、道路與建築物的距離,巢樹與對照組之間沒有顯著差異(P >0.05),只有最近水資源的比較上達顯著差異(P<0.05)。7公頃巨棲地中樹林區塊的地景組成,無論是面積、數量、百分比與中位數形狀,巢位與對照組之間皆顯著差異(P <0.05),顯示都市環境中樹林區塊對鳳頭蒼鷹的巢位選擇有重要影響。從邏輯迴歸模式中得知,樹高與樹林區塊面積二項因子最能夠影響鳳頭蒼鷹的巢位選擇。在鳳頭蒼鷹食性分析中,鳥類組成比例大於其他獵物(69%),其中紅鳩(Streptopelia tranquebarica)及野鴿(Columba livia)的隻數與生物量占最多數,且獵物種類多為都市環境中常見之物種。 根據研究結果,較大的樹木和樹林區塊、水資源與獵物豐富度似乎是造成鳳頭蒼鷹都市化的可能原因。維持並增加都市中的樹林面積與規劃適合的平地造林政策,或許能增加都市鳳頭蒼鷹巢位棲地的可利用性。


鳳頭蒼鷹 都市 巢位選擇 食性 台灣


Loss of habitat and fragmentation of environment due to urbanization has been identified as negative effects to raptors, but a few species can successfully nest and use food resources in some urbanized areas. The crested goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus formosae) is an urban raptors poorly studied in Taiwan. The purposes of this study were to : 1) investigate the distribution and use of nest habitat by crested goshawks in an urban environment in southern Taiwan; 2) use multi-scale analyses to understand nest-site selection by goshawks in urban areas; and 3) explain the effects of urbanization on crested goshawk nest-site selection and the food. Results are important for the conservation of this species in urban environments. Results showed that, in urban areas in southern Taiwan in 2008, crested goshawk used introduced tree species as nest trees more often than native species (n=36). Height, dbh, and canopy cover of urban nest trees were greater than random samples. Micro-habitats (0.04 ha centered around nest tree) were characterized by average height, density, basal area and numbers of trees >5 cm dbh as compared to random sites. There were no significant differences between nest and random trees in the nearest distance to paths (P>0.05), roads (P>0.05), and buildings (P>0.05).Distance to water was significiant (P<0.05). Area, amount, percentage and median shape of forest patches were significantly greater in 7 ha centered around nest sites than at random sites (P<0.05), indicating that forest patches were important for nesting crested goshawks. Logistic regression model demonstrated that tree height and forest patch area were the two most important factors for crested goshawk nest-site selection. Analysis of diet indicated the primary prey species in percentage and biomass of crested goshawks were birds (69%), mainly red turtle doves (Streptopelia tranquebarica) and rock doves (Columba livia ). These prey species were common residents in urban environments. Urbanization of crested goshawks in southern Taiwan is probably associated with greater trees, forest patche size, water, and prey abundance in the city. Increasing the availability of nest-site habitats for crested goshawks in urban environment will require maintaining and increasing tracts of large trees and appropriate planting of exotic trees.




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