  • 學位論文


Examining the Learning Experiences of Vietnamese Marriage Immigrant Women in Taiwanese Higher Education based on the Sociocultural Approach

指導教授 : 吳雅玲


本研究旨在以社會文化取向之成人學習理念為基礎,探討越南籍婚姻移民女性接受高等教育之學習經驗。本研究以四位在台接受大學或研究所學位課程之越南籍婚姻移民女性為研究對象且採用生命史訪談法進行蒐集,並以主題分析法進行資料分析。本研究主要結論如下: 一、移民女性接受高等教育的動機,在於受母國重視教育的影響,還有個人對學習的渴望,因婚姻來台之後受到台灣社會大眾的歧視,而在工作當中也沒有台灣的學歷證明只能從事較底層的工作,因此期待藉由參與台灣的高等教育,提高工作機會與工作待遇以克服台灣人的歧視,而台灣家人的支持與鼓勵更是受訪姊妹接受高等教育的動力。 二、在學習過程中,受訪移民女性持續適應課堂學習與人際互動,並於課後努力複習。過程中個人的文化認同持續轉變,從一開始對越南文化感到自卑於課堂上沈默地學習,轉而成為自信並爭取越南文化於課堂上的能見度。個人扮演母親與學習者雙重角色,使其學習負擔沈重。而移民女性的學習深受其工作、家庭及越南姊妹社群的影響。雖然追求大學或研究所之歷程艱辛,受訪移民女性仍堅持完成其高等教育學業。 三、受訪姊妹在台接受一定年限之大學或研究所教育,自我價值獲得充分提升,家庭生活品質更精進,然而也爭取到有限的工作機會及經濟能力。同時,受訪姊妹也成為母國姊妹社群的楷模。此外,在台高等教育學習經驗促使受訪姊妹更加認同母國及移民國的文化。 四、移民女性在台接受高等教育之學習深受母國之早期學習經驗與文化及在台生活經驗與社會文化影響。 最後,研究者依據上述研究發現與結論,提出建議以供未來研究者參考。


This study aims to investigate the learning experiences of the Vietnamese immigrant women in Taiwanese higher education based on the sociocultural approach to adult learning. The study utilized life-story interviews with 4 Vietnamese marriage immigrant women who had graduated from or had been studying in undergraduate or graduate programs. Data were analyzed by the thematic method. The findings are as follows: 1.With Taiwanese families’ supports and encouragement, these immigrant women pursued Taiwanese higher education in order to fulfill their parental expectation and the personal desire for learning , to combat Taiwanese discrimination, and to obtain employment of better salary. 2.In the learning process, the immigrant women tried their best to adapt to the learning cultures and interrelationship in class; furthermore, they put a lot of efforts to review after class. These women continuously negotiated their cultural identity. Initially, they were silent learners and then they tried their best to improve their Vietnamese cultural visibility in class. These women played the roles of mothers and learners, which them. Additionally, their work, their family, and the Vietnamese community had great impacts on the women’s learning. These women insisted on completing learning although they faced a lot of difficulties. 3. After receiving the Taiwanese higher education for a period of time, these immigrant women obtained the positive feelings of self-worth, better qualify of family life, and economic independence. Meanwhile, they became the role models of their immigrant community. Additionally, these immigrant women identified more with their homeland and host country cultures. 4. The early learning experience and the homeland cultures as well as the life experiences in Taiwan affected the learning of higher education among these immigrant women. Finally, some recommendations are presented for the future studies.


娘為例。台灣社會研究季刊,41, 99-127。


