  • 學位論文


Using Aerial Photography to Investigate the Effects of Climate Change on the Growth and Decline for Abies kawakamii Vegetation in Hehuan Mountain

指導教授 : 陳朝圳


IPCC (2007)報告指出,全球氣候變遷造成全球氣候暖化與極端氣候事件增加,氣候變遷所帶來的生態衝擊已成為一個重要的研究議題。許多研究指出,氣候變遷所帶來的溫度與降雨量改變,已經造成森林生態系的衝擊。由氣候變遷對植群推移與分布進行相關研究,得知氣候變遷造成森林逐漸往高海拔推移,原有的高海拔地區森林將面臨氣候條件改變的影響,使其林木生長、組成與分布位置產生變化。本研究以合歡山地區為研究範圍,利用臺灣長期氣候資料為材料,分析高海拔長期氣候的變化趨勢,並探討高海拔地區氣候變遷對臺灣冷杉(Abies kawakamii)生長之影響,另以多期的航照影像和數位高程模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM),配合現地樣區資料,調查林木界線置之變化與樹木死亡情形,以探討生態環境與地形因子對臺灣冷杉植群消長的影響。研究結果顯示近年來臺灣高海拔地區氣候呈現氣溫上升,年降雨量下降,呈現逐漸乾旱之趨勢。氣候改變已影響合歡山地區植群分布情形,使臺灣冷杉林木界線與林分結構改變。研究區域之臺灣冷杉植群於1975-2001年間有擴展的趨勢,擴展率為0.59%、4.19-9.57% 與2.26-2.46%,顯示臺灣冷杉之分布變化受到氣溫的上升有往高海拔地區推移之趨勢,而2001-2008年間臺灣冷杉死亡之情形產生,結果顯示溫度升高,乾旱持續時間和濕度下降的影響下,造成冷杉死亡率增加。微環境與地形差異使得溪谷與稜線兩地區之林線推移與樹木死亡情形不同,顯示地文環境條件會影響冷杉植群消長的變化。


According to the report of IPCC (2007), global climate change has caused a globally climatic warming and increased the risk events of extreme weather, the impact of climate change has become an important research issue. There are some research had indicated that the climate change has increased the temperature and changed the patterns of rainfall at alpine areas that had impacted the biodiversity and vegetation distribution. The ecosystems impact of alpine area caused by climate change will gradually reduce the existing species of alpine areas and changes the ecosystem function. In this study, we used Hohuanshan as a study area, used meteorological data to study the relationship between long-term trends of climate change and growth of Abies kawakamii, and used multiple periods aerial photographs, digital elevation model with combination the forest inventory data to investigate the changes of treeline position, and to analyze the dead tree effects of growth and decline for Abies kawakamii vegetation in Hehuan Mountain. The results showed that temperature increase and number of rain day decrease, but precipitation undiversified. There are some research had indicated that the climate change has increased the temperature and changed the patterns of rainfall at alpine areas that had impacted the vegetation distribution, the results showed that climate condition was effect timber-line and stand structure of Abies kawakamii. An analysis of investigation data and aerial photographs, the results showed Abies vegetation distribution that the expand rate were 0.59%, 4.19-9.57% and 2.26-2.46% in 1975-2001, indicating the temperature had enhanced the effect of Abies kawakamii distribution in alpine area. That was indicated the temperature increased, drought duration and moisture shortage, would be affected the mortality of Abies kawakamii. The micro-habitat of ridgeline and valley could be change the timberline and mortality that means the local environmental factors, was a key factor to affect the growth and decline for Abies vegetation.


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