  • 學位論文


An Experimental Research of Creative Action Program on Rural Children’s Learning

指導教授 : 鄭芬蘭


本研究旨在探討「開展學習視野創意行動方案」對國小學童在「貧窮文化、學習動機、社會關懷」之提升效果與行動方案的可行性分析。本研究採不等組前、後測之準實驗設計,進行「開展學習視野創意行動方案」。以叢集抽樣選取屏東縣國小四年級學童為研究對象,實驗組39名,控制組39名,共78名學童。研究工具為「國小學童數學學習經驗調查表」,採單因子共變數分析實驗結果。茲將研究結果歸納如下: 一、實驗組與控制組在「貧窮文化」未達顯著差異。 二、實驗組與控制組在「學習動機」未達顯著差異。 三、實驗組與控制組在「社會關懷」未達顯著差異。 四、實驗組學童從活動中有得到幫助,對於活動也有正面回饋,行動方案內容引發學童求知慾。整體而言,學童對於行動方案表示滿意。 綜上所述,雖然「開展學習視野創意行動方案」不具提升效果,慶幸的是,實驗組學童在學習單呈現正面的回饋,可見,本行動方案具有一定的可行性,可以作為國民小學在綜合活動領域的補充教材。 最後,根據研究結果與實驗過程之感想,提出實施「開展學習視野創意行動方案」之具體建議。


This research focus on exploring “Creative Action Program” enhance rural children’s in “Culture of Poverty”, “Learning Motivation” and “Social Caring” learning effectiveness and feasibility of the program. The Quasi-experiment was used in this study. The participants were the four grade students, a total of 78 from the Pingtung Country State by cluster sampling, and there are 39 students in each group.The two groups are an experimental group and a control group. The tool that used in this study is “Scales of Mathematics Learning Experiences” survey form and the method to gather and analyze the data is through the statistic method known as One-way ANCOVA. The results are summarized as follows: (a) The data showed that the experimental group and the control group in factor "culture of poverty" does not show any significant difference. (b) The data showed that the experimental group and the control group in factor "learning motivation" does not show any significant difference. (c) The data showed that the experimental group and the control group in factor "social care" does not show any significant difference. (d) In this study, Creative Action Program is helpful for the experimental group students, and there are positive feedback from students, the content of action programs initiated student’s curiosity. Overall, students expressed satisfaction with the Creative Action Program. As a conclusion, although the program did not yield any increase in effectiveness yet it is applicable to be used as a tutorial program or extra-curricular activities. In future work, it is proposed to implement this “Creative Action Program” based on the specific recommendation of the thoughts and findings of this research.


許育齡,梁朝雲,許盛貴(2014)。探討內在動機與自我效能為中介預 測科學想像力的學習模式。科學教育學刊, 22(4),389-412。
