  • 學位論文


The effects of flywheel fitness class performance feedback system on exercise performance

指導教授 : 吳柏翰


本研究目的旨在探討健身俱樂部之飛輪有氧團體運動課程對參與者在有無「運動表現即時視覺回饋系統」的情況下之運動表現,我們將研究結果變項設定為「學員的運動表現」,以國立屏東科技大學飛輪班25歲至40歲學員每班24人為研究對象,此課程每班八週共16堂,分別以前後8堂課做為控制組與回饋組,控制組在上課過程中無開啟運動表現即時視覺回饋系統,而回饋組則可以藉由回饋系統在投影螢幕上看到自己與其他學員之運動表現。本研究以「獨立樣本t檢定」來分析回饋組與控制組在8週課程中之運動表現差異情形,各項統計考驗顯著水準均訂為α = .05。研究結果顯示總輸出功率(watts) p = .000、迴轉速(rpm) p = .012、速度(kph) p = .012、卡洛里(kcal) p = .001、運動距離(km) p = .247,除運動距離(km)未達顯著水準,其它總輸出功率、迴轉速、速度、卡洛里等四項皆達顯著差異(p < .05)。所以本研究結果認為「運動表現即時視覺回饋系統」對於課堂之運動表現具有提升之效果。 關鍵詞:飛輪有氧團體運動、運動表現即時視覺回饋、競爭性知覺


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of flywheel performance feedback and record system on training effect. Methods: In the present study, twenty four voluntary healthy adult participants will be recruited in this study, Participants will be randomly divided into acute feedback group (n=24) and control group (n = 24). Then, the acute feedback and the control groups received eight weeks of the flywheel training course (50min, 2 day/week). Acute feedback group of participants in the training course will open the wireless transmission of power feedback and recording system, each flywheel bicycle pedaling power are instantly recorded and displayed on the projection screens at the front of the classroom, the control group of participants performance the traditional flywheel training courses. Post to eight weeks training course, all participants performance the fitness test and finish repeat participation motivation questionnaire. In this study, independent samples T test was applied to analysis difference between acute feedback group and control group. The statistical test of significance level set at α = .05. Results: The results showed that there were significantly difference evidenced in the power (watts) p < .000, swing (rpm) p < .012, speed (kph) p < .012, calories (kcal) p < .001, distance (km) p > .247. between the two groups (P <.05). Conclusion: This study concluded that the flywheel performance feedback and record system could enhance the performance of flywheel.Conclusion: This study concluded that the flywheel performance feedback and record system could enhance the performance of flywheel.


