  • 學位論文


The Action Research on Using Peer Mentoring Teaching to Learning Chinese for the Junior 8th Grade Athletics Classes Students

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


本研究旨在探討「同儕師徒制指導教學策略」對於國中八年級體育班學生國文學習之行動研究。探討「同儕師徒制指導教學策略」之運作模式以及研究對象的國文學習成效與學習適應。本研究對象為國中八年級體育班學生,共24名,分成12組師徒。採用行動研究方法進行國文科的「同儕師徒制指導教學策略」,為期12週的兩階段師徒教導。透過觀察、訪談及回饋問卷以蒐集資料,解釋說明「同儕師徒制指導教學策略」之運作模式;以國文段考成績及「學習適應量表--增訂版」進行前後測,說明並分析24名參與者於學習成效的提昇及學習適應的改變。研究歷程中,不斷地檢討、修正和檢視,立即解決教學的問題。本研究重要結論有: 一、「同儕師徒制指導教學策略」是一套具有價值性的運作模式。 二、「同儕師徒制指導教學策略」能夠明顯提昇學生的學習成效。 三、「同儕師徒制指導教學策略」能夠改變學生的學習適應。 四、「同儕師徒制指導教學策略」能夠提昇教師的專業成長。 根據上述之結論,研究者對教師實施「同儕師徒制指導教學策略」與在未來研究上提出建議,以供後續研究之參考。


This research aims to investigate the action research on using peer mentoring teaching to learning Chinese for the junior 8th graders in athletics classes. To explore the model of peer mentoring teaching and students’ Chinese learning effects and learning adjustments. The participants of the study were 24 eighth graders in athletics classes; they were grouped into 12 pairs. A pair includes a master and an apprentice. By using peer mentoring teaching, the two-stage teaching between master and apprentice lasted for 12 weeks. Through methods like observation, interview and questionnaire, the researcher then explain the operating model of peer mentoring teaching. The pretest and posttest of students’ Chinese sectional test scores and the revised version of learning adjustment inventories then explain and analyze the changes on learning effects and learning adjustments of the 24 participants. During the research, the researcher keep reviewing, examining and solving all kinds of teaching problems. The findings of the research are: 1.The strategy of peer mentoring teaching is a valuable operational model for students. 2.The strategy of peer mentoring teaching can promote students’ learning effects evidently. 3.The strategy of peer mentoring teaching can enhance students’ learning adjustments. 4.The strategy of peer mentoring teaching can elevate teachers’ expertise in classroom management and the roles between teacher and students. According to the results of the study, researcher makes suggestions on applying the peer mentoring teaching into practice for future study.


