  • 學位論文


Study on the cultivation of Agaricus blazei Murrill with pangolagrass compost

指導教授 : 梁文進


本研究以盤固拉草堆肥做為巴西蘑菇(Agaricus blazei Murrill)主要栽培基質,試驗其做為替代木屑基質栽培巴西蘑菇之可行性;並研發營養物添加等栽培技術以提升巴西蘑菇之產菇量。在巴西蘑菇菌株間對盤固拉草堆肥生長試驗,獲得四株菌株於盤固拉草第2次翻堆後之堆肥平板菌絲生長,無顯著差異。本研究以巴西蘑菇AB-Q菌株菌種進行各種試驗。在以完熟之盤固拉草雞糞堆肥、木屑堆肥及市售木屑基質進行栽培比較,結果以盤固拉草雞糞堆肥之生物轉換率32.89%最高;試驗不同發酵時間之盤固拉草牛糞堆肥對巴西蘑菇產菇量之影響,結果以第四次翻堆後之堆肥之生物轉換率29.66%最高;試驗於盤固拉草雞糞堆肥中添加2%營養物,於試管內之菌絲生長以添加2%玉米粉者最快,比米糠、麥麩等都快;箱式栽培產菇以添加2%麥麩之生物轉換率61.42%最高,比米糠、玉米粉及黃豆粉都好。於盤固拉草雞糞堆肥添加不同含量麥麩,麥麩與黃豆粉或麥麩與玉米粉試驗其對菌絲生長之影響,結果顯示未添加麥麩等添加物之堆肥,菌絲生長最快。試驗不同覆土材料對巴西蘑菇產菇量之影響,結果顯示以泥炭土做為覆土層之生物轉換率最高(44.35%)。覆土前於堆肥表面添加2%營養物,結果顯示以添加2%麥麩之生物轉換率最高(61.28%);覆土前於堆肥表面添加混合之麥麩與玉米粉,結果以1%/1%混合之生物轉換率41.33%最高;覆土前於堆肥表面添加混合之麥麩與米糠,結果以2.5%/2.5%之生物轉換率41.06%最高。覆土前於堆肥表面添加混合之米糠與玉米粉,結果以5%/5%之生物轉換率55.47%最高。試驗覆土後噴施營養物對巴西蘑菇產菇之影響,結果以菇液/糖蜜/LS-65土壤菌液之混合液之生物轉換率52.83%最高。將盤固拉草雞糞堆肥及盤固拉草牛糞堆肥栽培之巴西蘑菇子實體經乾燥後檢測其鉛與鎘之含量,所有樣品中,鉛檢測不到(儀器能檢測最低鉛濃度為0.07ppm),鎘含量為0.93ppm及0.73ppm(儀器能最低鎘檢測濃度為0.03ppm),遠低於衛生署公佈之2ppm限量標準值。


In this study, pangolagrass compost was used and studied as the main substrate to replace the sawdust that was the major substrate in Taiwan for cultivation of Himematsutake, Agaricus blazei Murrill, and to develop some techniques in nutrient supplementation for increasing the mushroom yield. In experiment of the mycelial growth of A. blazei on pangolagrass cow-manure compost, the results showed that four isolates of A. blazei could grow and were not significantly different on the composts derived from all phase after 2nd turning of composting. AB-Q isolate of A. blazei was used in all experiments. Based on comparing the mushroom yield from the tray culture with pangolagrass chicken-manure compost, sawdust compost and commercial sawdust substrate, the biological efficiency(BE) of pangolagrass chicken-manure compost in 32.89% was higher than that of other two sawdust substrate. The BE of pangolagrass cow-manure compost got from 4 days after 4th turning was better than that from 3rd turning. In the experiments of nutrient supplementation, the mycelial growyh of A. blazei in the tube containing pangolagrass chicken-manure compost supplemented with 2%(w/w) corn meal was faster than that of rice bran or wheat bran added. The BE of the compost supplemented with 2% wheat bran in 61.42% was higher than that of rice bran, corn meal or soybean flour supplementation. In comparison of mycelial growth A. blazei on the pangolagrass cow-manure compost added with different amount of wheat bran, wheat bran and soybean flour mixture,or wheat bran and rice bran mixture, the growth was the fastest in the compost without any nutrient added. In casing soil material test, the peat moss was the better casing material for A. blazei cultivation than sand or mixture of sand and peat moss. In nutrient supplementation on surface of compost before soil casing, 2% wheat bran supplementation got 61.28% of BE was higher than that of corn meal or soybean flour. 1%/1% mixture of wheat bran and corn meal had 41.06% of BE was higher than that of 2.5% or 5% mixture. 2.5%/2.5% mixture of wheat bran and rice bran had 41.06% of BE higher than that of 1% or 5%mixture. 5%/5%mixture of rice bran and corn meal had 55.4% of BE higher than that of 1% or 2.5% of mixture. In spraying of nutrient on casing soil, the 52.83% of BE of mixing solution with mushroom liquid, molasses and soil bacterial suspensions was higher than that of any component alone. Dry fruiting bodies harvested from pangolagrass chicken-manur and pangolagrass cow-manure composts were analysed to detect the concentration of Lead and Cadmium metal. The results indicated that the Lead was not detected (The detection limit of instrument is 0.07ppm), and the Cadmium was 0.93ppm and 0.73ppm respectively, were lower than 2ppm limit standard.


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