  • 學位論文


Survey of Total-VOCs, H2S, and NH3 Concentration in the Atmosphere of a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝連德


近年來,污水處理廠為水污染控制重要一環,目前污水處理廠在各縣市陸續建置中,然而在污水處理廠操作過程中常伴隨異味逸散,其中包含t-VOCs、H2S、NH3等污染物,尤其H2S及NH3於空污法中列為毒性污染物質,直接與附近居民及污水處理廠操作維護人員有嗅覺及健康的影響。因此,本研究針對南部某一民生污水處理廠進行廠內空氣中t-VOCs (總揮發性有機化合物)、H2S、NH3及LEL(爆炸下限)進行調查,並以攜帶型直讀儀器量測民生污水處理廠內不同處理操作單元(選擇16個監測點)濃度變化。實驗監測結果,在不同處理單元之污水進流井(蓋板內側)及污泥消化槽(蓋板內側),測得t-VOCs平均濃度較高,其濃度值分別為403.35 ppm與1638.20 ppm;於污水進流井蓋板外側及污泥消化槽蓋板外側,測得t-VOCs平均濃度較低,濃度值分別為2.93 ppm與9.02 ppm。另外利用SPSS相關係數分析,各量測濃度值在顯著性( p <0.01),H2S與t-VOCs、LEL與t-VOCs及H2S與LEL其相關強度分別為0.969、0.969及1.000,顯示t-VOCs在高濃度之環境狀態下, H2S及LEL亦有較高濃度產生。本研究顯示,所量測之南部某一民生污水處理廠內空氣品質除了進流井蓋板內側與消化槽蓋板內側以外,皆低於法規標準(t-VOCs<150 ppm、H2S<0.1 ppm、NH3<1 ppm)。


In recent years, wastewater treatment plants have played a vital role in controlling water pollution. As more wastewater treatment plants are successively built in various cities and counties of Taiwan, one after another, odors and pollutants, such as t-VOCs, H2S, and NH3, are naturally diffused with mists of water treatment, and have become a considerable issue. In particular, H2S and NH3, which are defined as toxic pollutants in the Air Pollution Control Act, can cause negative effects on olfactory and the health of operators of operators of wastewater treatment plants and adjacent residents. Consequently, a survey was conducted on the gas concentration of t-VOCs (TVOC), H2S, NH3, and LEL (Lower Explosion Limited) in one of the municipal wastewater treatment plants in southern Taiwan. First, by using portable gas detectors to measure and monitor the concentrations in 16 points that belong to various process units in the plant, we determined that the average concentration of t-VOCs under wastewater inlet well cover (403.35ppm) and sludge digester cover (1638.20 ppm) are relatively higher than the concentration above wastewater inlet well cover (2.93 ppm) and sludge digester cover (9.02 ppm). Second, by using SPSS to analyze the correlation coefficient, we discovered that the concentration values among gases are significantly correlated ( p < .01). The correlation coefficient of H2S vresus t-VOCs, LEL versus t-VOCs, and H2S versus LEL are 0.969, 0.969 and 1.000, respectively. These results indicate that a high concentration of t-VOCs results in that of H2S and LEL. The results of our research also show that the measured values of various gases in the targeted municipal wastewater treatment plants lower than the standards of regulation (t-VOCs<150 ppm、H2S<0.1 ppm、NH3<1 ppm).


municipal wastewater treatment plant t-VOCs H2S NH3 LEL


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