  • 學位論文


A study of Relationships among Cyclists' Travel Motivations, Travel Expectations, Tourism Image and Satisfaction on Bike Hotels

指導教授 : 吳崇旗


本文以旅遊動機、旅遊期望、旅遊意象與滿意度之關係為研究主題,並以自行車騎士前往單車旅館的遊客為調查對象。本研究依回顧之文獻建立旅遊動機、旅遊期望、旅遊意象與滿意度之關係架構,調查有效樣本429份,運用描述性統計、因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)結構方程模式(SEM),分析研究結果及驗證研究假設。研究結果顯示: 一、遊客特性背景中的職業、年齡變數對旅遊動機有顯著差異;不同職業變數對旅遊期望有顯著差異;不同年齡及教育程度的遊客對旅遊滿意度的感受程度有顯著差異。 二、「旅遊動機」對「旅遊期望」的路徑係數為0.57,呈現正向影響效果,旅遊動機愈明顯則遊客旅遊期望愈高。 三、「旅遊動機」對「旅遊意象」的路徑係數為0.43,呈現正向影響效果,旅遊動機愈明顯則遊客旅遊意象認知愈高。 四、「旅遊動機」對「滿意度」的路徑係數0.30,「旅遊動機」對「滿意度」具有顯著正向影響效果,旅遊動機愈強烈則滿意度愈高。 五、「旅遊期望」對「滿意度」的路徑係數為0.25,呈顯著且為正向影響效果,遊客對旅遊期望愈高則滿意度愈高。 六、「旅遊意象」對「滿意度」的路徑係數為0.23,亦呈顯著且為正向影響效果,遊客對旅遊意象認知愈深刻則滿意度愈高。


This article aims at studying the relationships among travel motivations, travel expectations, tourism image and satisfaction of cyclists who visit bike hotels. A structural model among travel motivations, travel expectations, tourism image and satisfaction is constructed based on literature review and analyzed upon 429 valid samples received. The study utilized descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the data and examine the research hypotheses. The study results show that: 1. Among the tourists' characteristics and background, there are significant differences between occupation and age on travel motivations. Significant differences are also found among occupation on travel expectations as well as age and education level on tourists’ satisfaction. 2. Positive and significant effect is found between travel motivations and travel expectations with the path coefficient 0.57. The higher the travel motivations, the higher level the travel expectations tourists perceive. 3. Positive and significant effect is found between travel motivations and tourism image with the path coefficient 0.43. The higher the travel motivations, the higher the tourism image recognition the tourists perceive. 4. Positive and significant effect is found between travel motivations and satisfaction with the path coefficient 0.30, which imply that travel motivations may enhance satisfaction. 5. Positive and significant effect is found between travel expectations and satisfaction with the path coefficient 0.25, which imply that travel expectations may enhance satisfaction. 6. Positive and significant effect is found between tourism image and satisfaction with the path coefficient 0.23, which imply that tourism image may enhance satisfaction.


王怡茵(2008)。建構服務創新衡量模式之研究-以台灣國際觀光旅館業為例。長 榮大學經營管理研究所碩士論文,未出版,臺南縣。
