  • 學位論文


Research Using E-Paper on Word Card Teaching

指導教授 : 陳同孝 陳民枝




Language learning is important to children. Children with better language ability have positive impact in their learning performance. The language ability allows a child to be more initiative to learn while adapting environmentally and socially. Due to the importance of language, many quick language learning methods have been presented. Word card learning is one such quick language learning methods. Word card learning requires cards to be organized depending on the content of a course. The purpose is for a child to accept visual and auditory stimulations to increase memorization of the contents of the cards. Games and group activities also encourage the child to use word card teaching method. However, as the difficulty and scope of a course increases demand for more cards also increases; thereby increasing the need for organization and management. A large amount of paper cards also produce a lot of paper wastage. This study proposed the use of digital electronic paper in place of a card in word card teaching. The digital display function could resolve the problem of card management and storage. The digital electronic paper content is controlled by the electronic paper control panel. Raspberry pie is used to manipulate the electronic paper control board and to save the card contents. Comparison is made between the digital card with the traditional paper card. Traditional paper cards require periodical inventory to make the cards are complete. Its reorganization requires card storage by numbers on the cards before and after using to keep the cards organized. In comparison, the digital card stores the cards digitally and only need one-time by index card management and the card cannot be missing, easily. The digital electronic paper is soft featured and has reflective display features which will not cause fatigue harming of children’s eyes from looking directly at the screen. These features make the digital electronic paper suitable for word card application. Digital word card can be used by preschool teachers to replace the paper card for word card teaching. It allows large amount of word card teaching without the burden card management. Without the restriction on the amount of word cards, word card teaching method can be used in many more types of courses. In future, the digital word card could be expanded to connect with the network and application software to expand card content such as colorful displays of electronic papers for cards to match more courses. Digital word card teaching no longer consumes paper or ink, and provides teachers to have a richer choice for teaching.


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