  • 學位論文


Effects of the Quality of Supply Chain Relationships on Product Quality and Responsiveness Flexibility --- A Case Study of W Company

指導教授 : 周素娥


每年德國科隆五金手工具展,吸引全球手工具製造廠商、貿易商及買家到德 國科隆展覽或參觀。外國人總是會問台商:「Taichung or Taipei?」,因為他們都清楚知道,台中是製造廠商聚集,而臺北是貿易商聚集所在,此特殊的網路奠立台灣的五金手工具產業競爭力。五金手工具產品的製造含十五、六個製程,一般業務給生產單位的時間是60天內必須完成,然僅就前端鋼材的採購及鍛造成型部份製程,就須耗費半個月至45天。如何在有限的時間內完成其餘製程,實是業者必須面對的挑戰。所以,業者必須與協力廠商間維持彈性且快速的關係,亦即協力廠商的快速回應與良好交貨品質,對五金手工具生產很重要!本研究針對手工具產業協力廠商為研究對象,探討協力廠商與業者間之關係品質對交貨品質與快速回應的影響。 本研究以溝通、合作、承諾、信任、配合度、互相依賴等變數,衡量業者與協力廠商間之關係品質;交貨品質則以設計品質與一致性品質為指標構面;快速 回應以交貨的可靠度與交貨時間為指標構面。各指標變數之問項以李克特 (Likert) 七點尺度衡量。本研究選定台灣首家將原本直柄板手改為彎曲柄身之廠商—W公司,為主要研究目標,並發放問卷予W公司之主要26家協力廠商,有效回收率為100%。 研究結果顯示,「供應鏈關係品質會正向影響供應鏈快速回應」,協力廠商關係品質會影響協力廠商之快速回應及交貨品質。就協力廠商關係品質之構面言,溝通與資訊分享、合作、承諾、配合度及信任會增強業者與協力廠間之關係品質,並且本研究發現,承諾是最能代表關係品質,協力廠商確實交貨時間的承諾,是生管部門掌握製程與確保品質的主要重點。


Every year manual hand tool manufacturers, traders and vendors around the world attend to the “International Hardware Fair Cologne” in Germany for visiting or exhibition. Foreign vendors always ask our Taiwanese firms “Where do you come from? Taichung or Taiper ? ” That is because they clearly know that Taiwanese manual hand tool manufacturers come from Taichung and traders are from Taipei. These special reputations established by the competitiveness of Taiwanese hardware industry. In general, the production process of a hardware tool includes 15 or 16 parts and it needs to be accomplished in 60 days which comprises 30 to 45 days for purchasing the materials and forging its initial shape. Therefore, how to complete the other process in a limited time is a challenge for hardware manufacturers. The supply chain relationships of manual hand tool industry need to be flexible and responsive; it means the responsiveness and the quality of product are very important to the production process of hardware tools. As a result, the purpose of this study is to investigate that how the supply chain relationship quality will affect the quality of products and responsiveness by using the supply chain of manual hand tool industry as our samples. This study, employs communication, cooperation, commitment, trust and interdependence as variables to measure the quality of supply chain relationships ; use the quality of design and consistency to determine the quality of products and evaluate responsiveness by using the reliability and delivery time as measurements. Meanwhile, we choose Company W which is the first one to assemble curved handle tool in Taiwan as our focal firm and its major 26 suppliers as our subcontractor samples. Using a 7-point Likert-type scale questionnaire and the effective questionnaire returns-ratio is 100%. The empirical results show that the quality of supply chain relationship is positively related to the responsiveness of subcontractors, it means the relationship quality influences the responsiveness and the quality of products. Concerning to the dimensions of relationship quality, it implies that communication, sharing information, cooperation, commitment, coordination and trust improve the relationship quality between focal firm and its outsourcing suppliers. Furthermore, the results show that commitment is the most representative variable to the supply chain relationship quality. And the commitment of delivery time is the most important measurement for the manufacturing department to control its production process and quality.


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