  • 學位論文


A Study of package design of Home Fragrances in Taiwan from the perspective of lifestyle

指導教授 : 黃雅卿


臺灣居家香氛市場隨著社會變遷、民眾經濟能力的提升、生活素質的提高儼然形成一新興市場。在今日社會中,環保議題、生活壓力、現代人文明病等等問題受到重視,民眾開始關心商品的成份與品質,以及如何在生活中營造氣氛、享受樂趣、舒解壓力。居家香氛商品就是以舒壓功能、營造氣氛又兼情境擺飾的多重功能下,開始廣受消費者的歡迎。市面上的商品琳瑯滿目,多樣化、風格化的居家香氛包裝設計實為令人激賞,更令人引起探究的動機。 本研究透過資料蒐集、文獻整理、比較分析、深度訪談,綜合解析臺灣居家香氛市場的現況、探討居家香氛與生活風格間的關係以及居家香氛包裝設計表現。本研究共蒐集三十八家香氛品牌樣本,探討的範圍為擴香瓶、香氛蠟燭等兩種具有獨特包裝設計的商品,深入比較分析居家香氛商品包裝設計的圖文、材料、型態與色彩運用。 本研究分析認為居家香氛在「台灣消費社會已然成熟」、「美學經濟與風格商店的興起」、「名人效應推波助瀾」、「多元生活風格的社會需求」等背景下,各方客觀條件、時機都已成熟,故此醞釀出台灣居家香氛的市場。彙整相關資料與深度訪談內容後,觀察發現居家香氛與生活風格間的聯結:1.居家香氛源自於歐美生活文化,2.居家香氛、人與空間三者的關係密切,3.居家香氛為空間佈置的藝術,4.居家香氛是一種感性的美感商品,5.異國文化背景塑造多元風格居家香氛。 包裝設計分析方面從色彩形象尺度表和語言形象尺度表分析結果,將所蒐集之居家香氛包裝樣本形象分為七大風格:可愛活潑系,純淨透明系,自然溫和系,低調奢華系,古典浪漫系,個性時尚系,現代簡約系,結果顯示居家香氛市場活絡且成熟,具有多樣貌的風格表現,並不侷限於某種類型,呈現風格化的特徵。多樣化、多元化的包裝設計風格同時存在於市場,顯示居家香氛包裝已進入了成熟期,包裝的主要功能是造型與色彩的差異化、反映生活型態、並注重品牌形象的一致性。而在居家香氛包裝的圖形表現上,多以抽象幾何圖形以及半抽象的插畫呈現,其中又以花草植物等為主題居多,強烈的裝飾風格為居家香氛商品的特色之一。 居家香氛包裝設計已經超越包裝的基本功能,除了保護產品外,並有展示及營造生活的情調等功能,更融入了現代消費者的生活型態,使包裝本身成為一種價值,是一項新生活風格商品。


The Home Fragrance has been an emerging market recently in Taiwan, because of the transitional society, the increasing national income and the standard of living. Today, people pay more attention to environmental issues, life stress and lifestyle disease. They started to care more about the ingredi-ents and qualities of products, creating atmospheres in life, how to enjoy fun and release pressure. The Home Fragrance wins people's love for its multiple functions: releasing stress and creating atmosphere, also, being decorated at the same time. Its function and amazing packaging design make it outstanding from all the products on the market. It occurs to me to study in its magic packaging. This research aims for understanding the conditions of the home fragrances market in Taiwan, the connection between home fragrances and life-styles and the packaging design of home fragrances, by collecting and analyzing literature and the package sample, interviewing the staff of home fragrances. The study collects 38 brands of packaging samples and focuses on two kinds of Home Fragrance: Reed Diffusers and Scented Candles, which both have unique packaging designs. By using the initial statistic and color image scale to analyze Home Fragrance packages’ color, graphic design, forms, materials and styles. The results of this research show that the reasons why Home fragrances has become popular in Taiwan based on: “ the mature consumer society of Taiwan ” , “ the development of aesthetic economy and the stylish shops” , “ the celebrity effect ” , and “ the society demand of the variety of lifestyle” . It also discovers the connection between home fragrances and lifestyles: 1. Home fragrances originated from the western lifestyle. 2. Home fragrances, people, and living space are connected. 3. Home fragrances is the art of dec-oration. 4. Home fragrances is a kind of aesthetic product. 5. Exotic culture affects the packaging design of Home fragrances. Using color image scale to analyze Home Fragrance package samples knows that these samples were grouped into seven style: lovely and lively, pure and light, natural and peaceful, understated luxury, classical romantic, personalized fashion, modern and minimalist. The research results show that the Taiwan Home Fragrance is an active market. The main function of pack-aging design presents the differentiation of shapes and colors, reflecting the lifestyle and shows the coherence of brands. Second, the packaging design presents variety styles and each one has its own unique character. The graphic designs of Home fragrance packaging are most abstract geometry and semi-abstract illustrations, among of them, the plants and flowers theme is the majority. The graphic design of Home fragrance packaging has gone beyond basic functions. In addition to protect the product, it also can be displayed and created a flavor in life. The package itself is a value that presents a new lifestyle integrating the modern consumer style, which indeed is a merchandise of value.


Home Fragrance Packaging Design Lifestyle


