  • 學位論文


The Effect of Perceived Promotion Value, Brand Image and Word-of-mouth on Female Consumer of Cosmetic Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 楊東震


本研究著眼於女性在實體通路上對品牌形象、促銷知覺價值與正面口碑對品牌態度,以及品牌態度對購買意圖之影響,進行探討,以420位經常購買化妝品之女性為研究對象,採用組間設計(between subject)方式來進行研究,並發放420份問卷,共計回收400份問卷,再以焦點群體法,針對長期使用化妝品者進行探究其內心最真實之答案。 研究結果顯示,(1)促銷有助於提升購買意圖;(2)象徵性品牌形象有助於提升品牌態度;(3)經驗性品牌形象有助於提升品牌態度;(4)購買化妝品之選擇方向主要為,功能性,其次才是經驗性與象徵性 (5)正面口碑有助於提升品牌態度與購買意圖;(6)品牌態度對購買意圖有正向關係。


The purpose of this work is to elucidate how brand image, perceived promotion value and word-of-mouth intention with attitude toward product related, and attitude toward product how to influce purchase intension. Adopted foundation products as experimental product and 420 always bought cosmetic female as experimental subjects. The study adopted experimental design method to examine the effects of brand image and perceived promotion value on the attitude toward product effects and consumers’ behavioral intentions. Then the focus group for long-term use of cosmetics were conducted to explore their inner most true of the answer. The results imply:(1)The symbolic brand image can help to improve the product attitude.(2)The experiential benefits brand image can help to improve the product attitude. (3)Select the direction to buy cosmetics mainly Functional, experiential benefits, last is symbolic.(4)Word-of-mouth intention can help to improve the attitude toward product.(5)The attitude toward product has a positive relationship for the purchase intension.


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