  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relations among Behavior of Facebook Using, Personal Relationship and Academic Achivement --Take One Junior High School in Kaohsiung City as an Example

指導教授 : 林建宏
共同指導教授 : 吳傳春(Chuan-Chun Wu)


本研究旨在瞭解不同背景變項之國中生的Facebook使用行為與人際關係、學業表現的現況與差異情形。為了達到研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以自編之「國中生的Facebook使用行為與人際關係、學業表現之調查問卷」作為資料蒐集的工具,以高雄市某國中學生為研究對象,總計有效樣本共164 份。根據問卷填答結果,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗及單因子變異數分析等方法進行資料分析。 本研究結果分析如下: 一、國中女生使用Facebook的年資多於國中男生使用Facebook的年資,顯示女生對於人際關係的需求度比男生高,故除日常生活外也於網路中積極經營其人際網絡。 二、使用Facebook資歷愈久、每次使用平均時間愈高,使用目的及功能為『社交功能』者其在Facebook中人際關係比『娛樂取向』者佳;每週平均使用時間愈長,在真實與Facebook中人際關係均愈佳,顯示現今社會因科技進步及攜帶型電子設備的普及,青少年使用網路的時間大增,且Facebook也成為青少年的交友方式及與同儕間建立及維繫情感的一種新的方式。 三、Facebook每次使用平均時間愈短者,學業表現愈佳;使用目的為『獲得新資訊』者,學業表現愈佳,顯示適度的使用,避免沉迷Facebook不但為青少年青少年獲得最新資訊之工具,也能提供其討論及思考的管道,因此,增強其資訊素養更顯其重要性。 最後依照研究發現及結論,提出建議,供政府相關單位、學校及家長、學生參考,並提供未來研究相關之建議。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the current condition and the relevance of Junior High students’ behavior of using Facebook, personal relationship and academic achievement.And how different they are with environment and background variables. In order to reach the study purpose, this study chose survey method which used “The Questionnaire of Junior High Students’ Behavior of Using Facebook , Personal Relationship, and Academic achievement ” developed by the researcher as a survey tool. The study objects are the junior high students in Chishan Junior High of Kaohsiung City. The effective samples are 164 in total. According to the result of the questionnaire, the analysis of data are operated by descriptive statistics, T-test and one-way ANOVA of analysis. Based on the result of the analyzed data, the conclusions of the study are drawn as following - First, the girls’ registrae the account of Facebook earlier than the boys do. It shows that girls pay more attention on personal relationships than boys, so girls work on the Internet activites more active than boys do. Second, the students who has longer qualifications for using Facebook, spend longer time on Facebook , and focus on purpose and functions for "Social connection" of Facebook have better personal relationships in Facebook than those focus on the "entertainment-oriented". Due to the big process of technology and the popularity for portable device, Facebook has become a new way to establish and maintain friendship for teens. Third, the less time teens spend on Facebook each week, the better grades they get; Teens who want to gain information from Facebook can get better grades than those are eager for fun. Thereby, Facebook not only can be a tool to get information but a way to stimulate teens for critical thinking and thinking independly. To help teens use Facebook probably, we should reinforce Infromation Literacy. Based on the results of this study, the implications and suggestions for future research were discussed.


15.楊國樞、陸洛(2008)。中國人的自我: 心理學的分析。台北市:國立臺灣
