  • 學位論文


Relationships between Construction Management Audit and Project Quality – A Case study on Fishery Construction Projects in Ping-Tung County

指導教授 : 詹明勇


政府每年都投入許多金額在公共建設上,但也因為工程品質的良莠不齊,造成許多的民怨甚或不可預期的工程災害。故行政院設置了公共工程委員會,並頒行「公共工程施工品質管理制度」,加強公共工程品質管理與監督。該制度實施二十餘年,雖有許多正面的評價,但也因為查核制度的實施造成工程施工中的干擾,該制度仍有修訂改進之空間。 大型公共建設多由中央政府相關主管機關執行辦理,但是中小型的公共工程就由地方政府主辦推動,雖然承辦的總金額較少,但其承辦的標案數量遠大於中央政府的標案數。工程施作期間對生活的影響很大,地方政府的中小型工程對於民眾而言其影響的程度大於大型工程。因此之故,本文以屏東縣政府轄辦的漁業工程為案例,依據公共工程委員會所頒定的準則,檢視施工查核對施工品質與施工品質文件的改善程度,並就相關問卷資料彙整出公共工程查核制度與工程施工品質關聯性。 根據2009~2013年間屏東縣政府56場之查核紀錄分析,結果查核分數與契約金額的高低並無明顯的關係、現場施工查核時所扣點的項目會對於查核成績沒有明顯的關聯性、常見缺失似乎未因工程查核而減少發生的頻率、現場施工的缺失項目也沒有因為施工查核而明顯改善。綜此而論,公共工程施工查核有助於單項工程在被查核後的品質文件的彙整,但在施工方面似乎還有增長改善的空間。經由問卷分析的結果顯示各級工程從業人員都認為小型工程品管費用的編列方式應予重新調整,同時施工單位重複性缺失的改善如何與工程查核制度相互聯結,也將是未來工程查核制度改進之方向。


Government shares huge budget into the infrastructure to improve living condition in Taiwan. But there are some complaints or unexpected contruction failures due to worse implementation during construction. In order to monitor these problems, Public Construction Council under Executive Yuan set up the “regulation for the public work quality auditing system”. This system intends to improve the quality of public work on the document management and performance at the construction process for more than 20 years. There are many positive effects and comments about the auditing system, but there still have some negative expression on this system due to its disturbing the traditional way of construction. This is the very initial motivation of this research, and expects to summarize some solid suggestion for improving this auditing system in the future. In order to focus the topic of auditing system, specific type of engineering is assumed to be the studied in this dissertation. More than 50 auditing records about the fishery engineering at Pin-tung County, are collected for finding out the common faults during auditing process for the years from 2009 to 2013. And more than 100 expertises are invited to fill the questionnaire in order to summarize the common comments or expectation onto the auditing system. As to the case we collected, results show that the auditing grade has no significant relation with the contract amount. And there is also no obviously linkage between the auditing grade and fault points recorded by the auditing members. The results also show that same defeated points are happened frequently, which indicate auditing can’t change habitat domain on the elementary workers. As to the questionnaires from expertises selected, results show that most of them have no negative view on this auditing system. Auditing members are justice for penalty points no matter what the engineering scale and its authority according to the result of questionnaire. And finally, most of them propose that the penalty rules and defeated records should be refined to fit the scale and type of engineering.


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