  • 學位論文


Electroic Textbook-assisted Teaching:A Study in the English Class of Continuing Vocational Senior High School

指導教授 : 楊崇宏


本研究旨在探討電子教科書融入教學應用在高職進修學校英文科教學之成效。本研究以龍騰出版社出版之電子教科書教學軟體為教材,並以高雄市某一高職進修學校三年級學生共兩班62名學生為研究對象,學生大多半工半讀,上課精神不繼,英文學習動機與成就均遍不佳。此研究採用不等組前後測實驗模式進行準實驗研究,抽取ㄧ班為實驗組,實施「電子教科書教學」;另一班為控制組,實施「傳統紙本教科書教學」,進行為期12周的教學研究。本研究資料應用SPSS軟體進行統計分析,採用的統計方法包含:描述性統計、共變數分析、單一樣本t檢定等。本研究主要發現有: (1)實驗組的學生與控制組的學生,在單字測驗與課文克漏字測驗有提昇。(2)實驗組與控制組的高分群學生,在整體學習成效上無顯著提昇。(3)實驗組與控制組的中分群學生,在課文克漏字測驗上有提昇。(4)實驗組與控制組的低分群學生,在段考與單字測驗上有提昇。(5)實驗組與控制組的工讀學生,在段考與單字測驗上有提昇。(6)實驗組與控制組的成年學生,在整體學習成效上無顯著提昇。(7)接受電子教科書教學模式的學生的英語學習滿意度達中上程度。(8)接受電子教科書教學模式的學生的英語學習動機均有提升。本研究的成果有助於後續在高職進修學校推動電子教科書的教學實施,後續的研究可擴大規模與對不同科目去進行各深入與廣泛的研究。


This study aims on evaluating the effectiveness of English teaching in continuing vocational schools by using electronic textbooks. Experiments were conducted on 62 twelfth grade students, who were divided into the experimental group (32) and the controlled group(30). The e-textbooks teaching was applied to the experimental group, while using printed textbooks of teaching was given to the controlled group. During the 12-week experimental session, each group was given two 45-minute English classes once a week to find out the learning effectiveness and satisfaction of e-textbook teaching on students’ English. The data for the effectiveness analysis done in SPSS is based on the results of the two sectional examinations. The results of the vobulary test and cloze test within the examinations were also analyzed for a more detailed research. The quantitative analysis of questionnaires and the interviews with the subjects in various sub-groups was later conducted as a complement to the conclusions of the study. The major results of the study can be listed as follows: (1) There are significant differences between the two groups in vocabulary test and cloze test. (2) There is no obvious difference in the overall learning effectiveness among the high score students between the both groups. (3) There is a significant difference in cloze test among the intermediate score students between the both groups. (4) There are significant differences in the sectional exam and vobulary test among the low score students between the both groups. (5) There are significant differences in the sectional exam and vobulary test among the part-time students between the both groups. (6) There is no obvious differecens in the overall learning effectiveness among the adult students between the both groups. (7) A high level of learnering satisfaction is achieved in the e-textbook learning classroom. (8) The learneing motivation is bolstered in the e-textbook learning classroom. The results of this study can facilitate the realization of using e-textbooks in the classes of the continuing vocational schools. Ongoing research can involve more students and extend to more classes.




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