  • 學位論文


Program Evaluation for Urban Renewal of Public Market Land Use: A Case Study of Jianguo Market Redevelopment in Taichung City

指導教授 : 許國威


台灣隨著時代變遷,傳統市場的商業模式早已無法迎合現代人生活型態與消費行為習慣,除了多處都市計畫市場用地未開發外,多處位於都市舊市區的已開發市場用地,也面對經營不善以及環境窳陋的課題。因應都市更新地區發展之需要,這些市場用地面臨再開發利用的挑戰與機會,並檢討評估其土地使用分區的調整。 臺中市目前對於原臺中市範圍已開發或尚未開發共89處的市場用地,進行全面性的通盤檢討,並依據當地發展狀況進行土地分區使用調整,在條件符合規定之原則下依實際需求作為其它變更使用;另一方面,劃定臺中市九處舊市區配合都市更新的建國市場為都市更新單元,配合台中車站地區再發展計畫進行土地使用變更。 不同於一般都市更新土地開發,公有閒置市場用地的使用變更除了方案本身財務的可行性外,也必須兼顧對於地區發展的公共利益以及對於社區居民環境品質提升的使命。本研究除了地方經濟構面外,依據相關文獻加上社會文化構面以及環境美質構面的考量,並整理影響其整體開發經濟效益的質化與量化因子,包括文化活動參與程度、社區認同程度、基地價格增加程度、周邊經濟影響程度以及綠美化程度等。 本研究整合分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)及質化量化多準則評估方法(Multi-Criteria Evaluation with Qualitativeand Quantitative Data,M.E.Q.Q.D),建立一套市場用地再開發方案評估實質與非實質效益評估模式。本研究並進一步以建國市場再利用方案評估進行實證分析,透過對於質化與量化因子進行調查,以實質與非實質經濟效益係數評估其變更使用方式以及回饋方式方案,並根據方案評估因子係數建議未來再開發改善方向與內容。


The original business model for traditional markets has not been able to meet with our modern lifestyle and consumption habits standard as time passed by in Taiwan. Besides the undeveloped market-used lands, numerous pieces of already developed market lands in the urban district are currently confronting tremendous management difficulties; more importantly with environmental issues. Due to its needs for urban planning and developing, these market-used lands are facing different types of challenges as well as the opportunities for re-development. Re-evaluation and re-adjustment on the size and the area of land-used are now starting to become a significant topic for further discussion. A total of 89 market-lands used including developed and undeveloped market-lands are currently under an overall comprehensive general review and re-evaluation in the original Taichung city. Adjustments on land sizes are based on its developing condition as well as its local needs and demands for use. On the other hand, the city of Taichung has also designated nine urban areas to combine with the Jianguo market to become one urban renewal project, also by coordinating with the Taichung train station area to re-develop and make changes on the potential newly market-used lands. Unlike the normal urban planning and land developing project from the past. Despite its financial feasibility on the changes for unused public market land, public interest for regional development and the quality of living for residents in the community should also be taking into consideration. In this research, it is not only looking from the local economic perspective, previous social cultural related documents and environmental topics are also being considered accordingly; it creates qualitative and quantitative factors and affect on the overall economic development, This includes participation in cultural activities, acceptance in community from the society, the increase on land prices, the extent on economic impact around the green landscaping engineering project and etc. The study of Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Multi-Criteria Evaluation with Qualitative and Quantitative Data (M.E.Q.Q.D) has established a new plan for market-used land developing program and the economic benefits of non-real coefficient evaluation model. This study had further conducted the empirical analysis through the qualitative and quantitative factors by using Jianguo markets re-use evaluation program. As well, by conducting surveys in the substantial and non-substantial economic benefits factor to create feedback for the program, and based on the program evaluation factors suggested to improve future content and guide the re-development project into the right direction.


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1. 內政部地政司全球資訊網
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