  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influence of Closed Wall in Basement to the Axial Force of Column for High-rise Buidings

指導教授 : 伍勝民


目前國內對於高層建築物之地下室封閉外牆的模擬,大多採提高柱受力大小,而無模擬地下室封閉外牆,但地下結構部份,若存在有連續封閉外牆,則此封閉牆的存在實際上影響了四周樑、柱的內力;若於結構分析階段忽略封閉外牆的強度或影響,將有某種程度不符結構的實際行為。如:設計過當或設計不足等情形。 本文考慮地下室封閉外牆帶給地下室柱軸力的影響情形進行分析,第一階段本文整理出在牆厚度改變時,地下室柱軸力變化的情形及建築物在不同位置上受地下室封閉外牆的影響;找出地下室封閉外牆對柱軸力的影響,第二階段則以外牆自重對柱軸力的影響,將模型之外牆自重設為零進行分析,並與有外牆自重時之模型比較,進而了解外牆自重是否也是影響柱軸力的主要因素。 由研究結果顯示,地下室封閉外牆對地下室柱軸力的負擔有明顯的幫助,而牆之自重對柱軸力的影響也具有一定之程度,並非牆越厚所承受之柱軸力越大,若牆體過厚,反而會因外牆自重,而使柱軸力不降反升的情形發生,在設計時應謹慎。


At present, most of the domestic simulations on the closed basement wall in a high-rise building will increase the loading capacity of columns without simulating the closed basement wall. However, for the part of underground structures, the existence of successively closed walls, if any, will actually affect the internal force of external beams and columns. If we left the strength or effect of closed walls out of consideration in the stage of structure analysis, there would be somewhat actual behaviors which are inconsistent with the structure, such as over design or inadequate design. This study analyzed the influence of closed basemen walls onto the column axial force. In the first stage, this study found the change of column axial force in the basement and the effect of closed basement walls onto the column axial force through the building affected by the closed wall in different locations while the wall thickness is changed. In the second stage, this study made an analysis of the zero self-weight wall to find the impact of self-weight of the wall on the column axial force. In addition, this article also made a comparison with the model having the self-weight of the wall to further understand if it was the key factor influencing the column axial force. The result of this study showed that the closed basement wall is obviously helpful for the load of the column axial force and the self-weight of the wall also has a certain influence on the column axial force. It is not true that the thicker the wall is the bigger the column axial force is. Instead, the column axial force will increase because of self-weight of the wall if the wall are too thick.


Closed Wall in Basement


16. 內政部建築研究所,「建築物耐震性能設計規範之研擬-二:範例研究」,
1. 陳冠行,「地下室封閉外牆對高層建築物地下室柱軸力之影響」,碩士論
