  • 學位論文


Supplement Pills of A City-A study on 24 Hours Life and Intersection

指導教授 : 劉克峰


24小時運轉的生活型態已成為台灣社會之趨勢,城市因為工作性質的多樣性,生活不再是規律的朝九晚五,各個行業的工作者24小時不停的轉動城市。因此每個人時間的運用不同了, 24小時的商業也就應運而生。從一開始提供基本需求的便利商店,到現在越來越多樣化,包括娛樂休閒等行業,紛紛投入此行列。都市人時間的運用越來越彈性,深夜睡不著有書店打發時間,那邊聚集著同樣不睡的人群;或可深夜到健身房發洩體力;也可利用深夜時間來避開大賣場白日的人潮,享受自在的購物空間。   走到深夜都市的街道,可發現轉角處亮著光的24小時商店點綴著都市的夜晚,這些24小時商店供給著都市夜晚的需求,十字路口的可見度和可及性在夜間更被凸顯,因此成為24小時營業商店的主要選址位置。夜晚的燈光吸引著似有動物趨光性的人群,十字路口不再像日間時,是交通的衝突點,反而成為夜晚新的公共空間。   夜晚的24小時商店如同深夜城市吞下的補給錠,當夜間城市機能不如白天般健全時,人們從錠裡獲得所需,如同身體從補給的藥錠獲得營養成分,十字路口的補給錠有效率的維持著城市的基本運作。   設計上藉著將十字路口對角街廓的都市開放空間以及人行步道串連與抬升,延伸內側小公園之綠地至整個室外之公共空間,連結三塊基地,以期重建十字路口步行空間與都市開放空間之完整連續性,進而整合周圍其他之24小時商店,成為城市補給錠。


24-hour living style has been a trend in Taiwan, where each industry keeps on working 24 hours a day to keep cities running. Because of various working styles, people do not lead regular nine-to-five lives anymore, but use their time in diverse ways. As a result, 24-hour business has been developed. The first business that arose was convenience stores, which provided people with essential supplies. Later, more and more industries, including entertainment and recreation ones, came into existence. These emerging industries bring people increased flexibility in using their nighttime. For example, people may spend their time in a bookstore when they are sleepless and find that they are not alone. They may work out in a gymnasium. Still, they may go to a shopping center, enjoying shopping without disturbance of a crowd of people. Walking on a street in a city during the late night, one will find that 24 hour stores shed lights on the corners and serve the city in nighttime. Intersections become the top choice of the 24 hour store sites due to their visibility and accessibility at night. The lights attract people, who seem to have phototaxis. Furthermore, intersections are no longer traffic conflict spots at night but are transformed into a new public space. 24 hour stores are like supplement pills a city takes at late night. People get supplies from these stores just as they get nutrition from supplement pills. At night when the city does not function as well as it does in daytime, these supplement pills on the corners of intersections efficiently maintain the basic function of the city. In my design, three sites are connected by joining and lifting the urban open spaces and the sidewalks at the intersections. Moreover, the greens inside the small park are extended and combined with the outdoor public space. The design aims to reconstruct the integrity of the pedestrian areas at the intersections and the urban open spaces. By further integrating other 24 hour stores around, the whole site works as the supplement pill of the city.


24 hour stores intersections public space




