  • 學位論文


Community empowerment perception and sense of community on the study the effect of leisure participation in 2012 Changhua area“green life show interest”competition as an example

指導教授 : 鄭政宗


本研究以參與2012年彰化地區「綠生活表演趣」活動之社區居民為研究對象,探討社區居民之社區培力認知與社區意識對休閒參與之影響。本研究採立意及便利抽樣,共計發放271份問卷,有效問卷為240份,並以敘述性統計、多變量變異數分析、相關分析及多元迴歸分析等方法進行資料處理。分析結果如下: 受訪居民以女性居多,年齡以51~60歲佔多數,多數居民皆已婚,教育程度多為國小程度,受訪居民的職業多為家管,其次為工商服務業及農林漁牧業者,多數居民信奉道教,無收入者佔多數,多為居住12年以上。獲獎社區在社區培力認知、社區意識及休閒參與方面,其得分情形皆優於未獲獎社區。整體而言,社區居民之社區培力認知與社區意識對休閒參與達顯著正向影響,表示社區居民之社區培力認知及社區意識越高,其休閒參與亦隨之提升。不同背景變項在社區培力認知、社區意識及休閒參與中,除性別、教育程度及居住時間外,包含年齡、婚姻狀況、職業、宗教信仰及每月平均收入皆達顯著差異。 本研究建議社區單位應鼓勵居民主動參與社區活動,且社區活動推行之初,應將活動目的及居民可能投入之資源說明清楚,藉此提高居民參與之意願。另在社區居民間的互動,建議社區的總幹事或理事長等主管單位,定期舉辦住戶間的聯誼交流活動,串連社區的居民,藉此改善社區居民間的疏離感;而政府單位在推廣活動時,應主動引導社區居民展現自我,透過社區間互相觀摩,了解表演活動的樂趣,提升參與表演活動之意願。


In this study, we take the residents who participate in Changhua Green Life Drama in 2012 as the participants to figure out the influence of community empowerment and community consciousness toward leisure participation. In this study, we use purpose and convenience sample. We delivering a total of 271 questionnaires and 240 questionnaires are valid. We also use descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis of variance, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to analyze the collected data.The results are as follows: The majority of the community residents are females whose ages are around 51 to 60 years old, and most of them are married, at the degree of elementary school, working as housekeeper. In the next place, people are work as Industry, Commerce, Service, agriculture, and fishery. Most of them believe in Taoism, having no incomes, living here over 12 years. Award-winning communities get more community empowerment, community consciousness and leisure in participation. In all, the community empowerment and community consciousness to leisure participation of community residents have a positive effect, which means that the higher of the community empowerment and community consciousness, will promote the high of the leisure participation. Besides, different background Variables in community empowerment, community consciousness and participation in leisure, gender, education degrees and residence time, age, marital status, occupation, religion, and the average monthly income are significant differences. In this study, we suggest that community units should encourage residents to participate in community activities positively. And the beginning of implementing community activities, we should explain the purpose of activity and the possible put-into resources clearly to enhance the participation of the residents. Besides, they can interact between community residents. We also suggest that the executive secretary, or directors can held some activities regularly for connecting the residents and improving the distance among community residents. Moreover, when government promotes those activities, they should lead those resdents to show themselves. By understanding the interaction of community, they will know the pleasure of this activity and get more volunteers to join the activity.


李 晶(2004)。居民參與校園休閒活動社區意識之影響研究-以台北市國民中學為例。體育學報。
