  • 學位論文

應用績效評估矩陣對學生品德提昇之研究 -以台中市私立明道中學為例

Applying Performance Evaluation Matrix to Promotion of Moral-A Case Study of Mingdao High School as an Example

指導教授 : 邱國欽 吳曉君


國家的未來跟希望寄託在我們的下一代身上,而我們要如何在他們身上看到未來呢?其實很簡單,根本問題就在教育,然而品德又是教育裡頭最基本也是最重要的一個環節, 教育是一個無法逃避的道德事業,面對全球化的競爭加上少子化的趨勢,要如何在教育資 源有限的情況下,將手握的資源妥善分配及運用,以提昇學生品德,是本研究的目的及重點。 本研究利用探討品德的相關文獻,並透過與學生、師長及實際從事學務工作的伙伴們訪談後遂開始著手問卷的設計,以台中市私立明道中學的學生作為研究的對象。將問卷數據綜整統計後以績效評估矩陣(PEM)含管制界限方法,找出學生品德認知與品德行為落差題項,並提出需改善建議。研究發現23 個題項中,有7項需改善,本研究針對需改善題項提出改善策略,給予學校從事學務工作相關人員參考改進,期望藉此研究之改善成果使明道中學之學生在「品德」表現能更上層樓進而提昇學校的整體競爭力。


The country's future with hope in our next generation body, and how do we see the future? In fact very simple, fundamental problems in education in them, but inside moral education is the most fundamental and important aspect, Education is an inescapable moral cause, in the face of global competition plus the low birth rate trends, how in the limited educational resources, the hand of allocate and utilize resources to enhance students' moral character, in this study the purpose and focus. In this study, we explore the moral literature and through with students, teachers, and actually engaged in the work of Academic Affairs after the partners then started the interview questionnaire designed to Taichung Ming private school students as the object of study. The questionnaire data statistics Fully integration after a performance assessment matrix (PEM) including control limits method to identify students with cognitive and moral questions of moral behavior gap, the need to improve and make recommendations. The study found 23 items in question, there are seven areas for improvement, for the need to improve the present study raised questions of improvement strategy, giving school staff in student affairs work-related reference to improve, thereby improving the desired outcomes of the study of high school students in the Ming " moral "energy performance to new heights and thus enhance the overall competitiveness of the school.


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