  • 學位論文


To Interpret the User’s Psychological Cognition of the Space Color using Fuzzy Theory - a CYUT Case Study

指導教授 : 陳清山


近年來於建築空間相關領域的研究上,「空間色彩」之議題以其具有暖色與冷色之配色、色彩飽和與否、明暗程度等混沌、曖昧的特質,使空間設計上更加豐富、多變,故引起相當的重視與討論。但大部份的研究僅止於色彩之配色應用;較少觸及空間色彩該如何轉化成可直述的語彙,造成不易溝通及表達。本研究將以模糊理論中「隸屬函數值」之概念來詮釋空間色彩。除此之外,亦進行問卷調查,將空間色彩給使用者的心理感受做統計與量化分析。   本研究的研究動機及目的如下:1.分析模糊理論如何詮釋色彩。2.探討空間色彩特性,建立空間色彩評估模式,以提供建築師或室內設計師規劃設計時之參考。3.以問卷調查及統計學理論,探究空間色彩給使用者的心理感受。藉由人工智慧中之模糊理論來詮釋色彩,以隸屬函數值詮釋空間色彩,文末並以朝陽科技大學共13個使用空間為樣本,計算出各使用空間之隸屬函數值。 本研究於朝陽科技大學共13個空間樣本分析中發現,若空間色彩之色相隸屬函數值介於1~0.6(偏暖色調)時,此空間給使用者的心理感受會有「熱情、活力的」、「溫馨、歡欣的」、「快樂、輕快的」等感受;若空間色彩之色相隸屬函數值介於0.6~0.4(偏中性色色調)時,此空間給使用者的心理感受會有「明快、清新的」、「溫和、清爽的」、「端莊、理智的」等感受;若空間色彩之色相隸屬函數值介於0.4~0(偏冷色調)時,此空間給使用者的心理感受會有「和平、積極的」「心平氣和的」、「空曠遼闊的」等感受。   研究結果發現,各使用空間之色彩可以用隸屬函數值予以客觀解釋,且與研究內容預期相符。研究成果除了可以提供建築師或室內設計師規劃設計時之參考,亦可拉近與使用者之溝通距離,以發揮空間色彩的設計目的。


In the fields of studies relating to the architecture and space design, coloring in an architectural space is an issue that has received great interest and generated much discussion lately. Color design brings enrichment and diversity to an architectural space as the arrangement of warm and cool colors as well as the choice of color saturation, brightness and opaqueness are questions of no definite answers. But most studies limit the discussion to the arrangement and application of colors and rarely touch on the subject as to how the colors in an architectural space may be articulated in a language that is easy to understand, making it hard to communicate issues in this field. This study will interpret the coloring in a space from the perspective of a membership function values as a concept under the fuzzy theory. In addition, findings of a questionnaire on the users’ perception of the coloring in a space are reported and quantitatively analyzed. The objective and purpose of the study are as follows: 1) Analyze how colors can be interpreted based on the fuzzy theory; 2) Investigate the qualities of the colors in a space and develop a space coloring evaluation model, which can in turn be used by architects or interior designers as they work on a design; 3) Study the users’ perception on the coloring in a space through survey questionnaire and statistical theory. The study seeks to interpret colors using the fuzzy logic as part of the artificial intelligence and coloring in a space using the membership function values. The study also uses 13 architectural spaces on the campus of Chaoyang University of Technology as samples and calculates the membership function values of the individual spaces. With the 13 samples from Chaoyang University of Technology, the study finds that an architectural space with color hues having membership function values between 1 and 0.6 (warmer shades) is perceived to be “passionate and vibrant”, “warm and cheerful” and “happy and lively” by its users. For spaces with color hues having membership function values between 0.6 and 0.4 (neutral shades), the users tend to perceive them to be “sprightly and fresh”, “gentle and refreshing “and “refined and rational”. Architectural spaces with color hues having membership function values between 0.4 and 0 (cool shades) are perceived to be “peaceful and enthusiastic”, “placid” and “open and expansive”. The study finds that the coloring of the architectural spaces may be objectively interpreted using the membership function values. The finding confirms the hypothesis of the study. The study findings provide a tool for use by architects or interior designers in respect to design planning and, additionally, enable effective communication with the space users, fulfilling the purpose of design in respect to spatial coloring.


(2)王佳祥、賀嘉生,2003,“利用概念知識與模糊理論進行空間知識之模型建構” 碩士論文,中原大學資訊工程研究所。
(16)陳昭郎,1990,“影響農民對農業法規認知之因素” ,《農業堆廣學報》,第8期,pp.29-80。
