  • 學位論文


An Efficient E-cash Scheme Based on Trapdoor Hash Function

指導教授 : 楊伏夷


隨著網際網路和個人電腦越來越普及化,漸漸地人們開始熟悉使用電子商務所提供的各項服務,當中也感受到相當多的便利性。在電子商務中占有相當重要的腳色,即是電子現金交易系統,有了電子現金交易系統,使用者交易時不必再攜帶大量現金在身上,甚至只需透過網際網路就可完成所有的交易買賣,而且每一筆電子現金交易,皆擁有完整的交易記錄,供使用者隨時追蹤查詢自己的消費記錄。本論文將使用相關的密碼學技術,設計一個有效率且具備公平與安全的電子現金交易系統,使得任何消費者在使用電子現金進行消費時,能確保自身的安全性和匿名性。 在我們設計的協定中,運用RSA盲簽章技術,達到使用者匿名不可追蹤的特性,設若銀行或任何人收到一筆電子現金,是無法回推找出此筆電子現金跟原先申請擁有者的關聯性;附加日期技術,則提供店家和銀行利用日期詳細記載每筆消費者使用電子現金消費的消費記錄,不止讓消費者可查詢每筆消費記錄的功能,且附加的任何日期皆不影響電子現金交易系統擁有的匿名特性。 在協定執行效率上,使用有後門的赫序雜湊函數運算系統,區分為線上和離線計算部分設計之,龐大的簽章計算和驗證階段皆在離線計算完成,而線上計算部分我們設計的系統只需一次整數乘法運算即可完成,跟以前的方法比較,我們的系統擁有更好的線上計算效率,因此我們提出的協定更適合應用於行動電子裝置上。


Due to the fast progress of networking technologies, many advanced network services have been proposed in literature to take the advantages of these technologies. E-cash system has surfaced as one of the key element for modern e-marketplaces. E-cash exchange system replaces the actual cash, and can be readily tradable on the internet. The consumers can traceable every commerce record from bank’s database. This paper would purpose a secure and fair E-cash system with related cryptography technologies, so that consumers can assure security. RSA blind signature technology used in our protocol to keep users’ anonymity and non-traceability. For example, when the bank or anyone who receive an amount of e-cash, it is not possible to trace back such amount’s original owner or other information. The date attachment technology can allows the merchants and banks to track each e-cash transaction with the appendix date and time, while remaining the anonymity of the original e-cash applicant. We used the trapdoor hash function technology in our protocol. The system can discriminate on-line and off-line computation. Large amount of computation, such as signature generation and authentication can be made in the off-line, while the on-line computation only required one integer multiplication. In comparison to other existing protocol, our scheme has better on-line computation efficiency, which means the improvement makes our scheme suitable in wireless environment.


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