  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Language Learning Strategy Use and Learning Motivation in Cooperative English Learning Groups

指導教授 : 李金玲


摘要 本研究主要在探討不同分組方法在合作學習環境之下,是否會對學生的英語學習成就、學習策略使用、以及學習動機上產生影響。 研究對象為某技術學院一年級一班39名主修商業學生。研究者使用科學方法將受試者依據其聽、讀平均分數分為同、異質組兩組。並進行合作學習教學。兩組使用的教材相同,並由同一位教師授課,教學實驗為期一個學期。資料蒐集方式包括進行前、後測兩次的成就測驗、問卷調查、及半結構式訪談。資料分析方式為單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t考驗、相關分析以及內容分析法。本研究主要發現歸納如下: 一、合作學習有助於提升同質組及異質組學生的英語聽力及閱讀理 解能力。 二、不同分組方法在合作學習環境之下,對學生英語學習策略運用 有顯著影響。此外,實驗後兩組學生在語言學習策略使用頻率上 皆有顯著增加。 三、不同分組方法在合作學習環境之下,對兩組學生在英語學習動 機上皆有正面提升。 四、根據訪談結果,同質組及異質組學生對於合作學習教學法大多 呈現正面的回應與感受。 關鍵字: 合作學習,學習動機,學習策略,英文作為外國語


ABSTRACT The study intended to determine whether two different grouping conditions in a cooperative learning classroom had dramatic effects on EFL students’ English listening and reading achievement, learning strategy use, and learning motivation as well. In this study, thirty-nine students majoring in business at an institute of technology in central Taiwan were recruited. The researcher adopted a pretest-posttest nonequivalent-groups design for the teaching experiment. Three research instruments were used to collect data as the following, (a) a pre-test and post-test to determine learning achievement in listening and reading; (b) the questionnaires of strategy inventory for language learning adopted by Oxford (1990) and the questionnaire of learning motivation adopted by Clement et. al(1994); (c) the interview protocol. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS) version 13.0 for Window for ANCOVA、independent sample test and pearson correlation. The Content Analysis method was used to describe, understand, and interpret learners’ perspectives on their learning strategy use,learning motivation,and cooperative learning in different learning groups. The major findings of the study are in the following: 1.Cooperative learning is useful in facilitating learners’ listening and reading ability. 2.Different grouping conditions in cooperative learning classroom had dramatic effect on learners’ learning strategy use. Furthermore, frequency of learners’ learning strategy use increase significantly in both homogeneous and heterogeneous groups 3.In different grouping conditions in cooperative learning, learners’ learning motivation had increase positively in both homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. 4.Based on the interview results, students expressed positive attitudes toward the cooperative learning instruction. Keywords: Cooperative learning, learning motivation, English learning strategy use, English as a foreign language


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