  • 學位論文


The Study on the Relationship of Supervision Functions and Emotional Labor Among the Protective Services Social workers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳麗欣


社會工作業務之急迫性與重大壓力常會造成社工員之情緒勞務,進而形成其工作倦怠,減損其工作績效,但是社會工作界卻鮮以此議題進行研究,因而引發了研究者以情緒勞務作為研究之主題。同時研究者發現社工員所感受的督導功能可能對其情緒勞務有相當程度的影響;此外,研究者透過文獻發現,影響社工員所感受的督導功能與其情緒勞務的相關因素包括了社工督導者、社工受督導者及該二者之雙向互動關係等因素。研究者更發現督導者與被督導者雙向互動關係之「隱而未說的情形」可能對督導功能與情緒勞務有顯著的負面影響,但是社會工作從未有研究將上述之概念整合在一起而進行有組織與結構之研究。由是,研究者乃以最容易引發工作倦怠之保護性社工為研究對象來進行本研究。 由是,本研究之目的簡述如下: 一、探討保護性社工隱而未說的狀況; 二、探討保護性社工感受的督導功能狀況; 三、探討保護性社工之情緒勞務狀況; 四、探討影響保護性社工感受督導功能之因素; 五、探討影響保護性社工情緒勞務之因素; 六、根據研究結果提供保護性社工以及督導者建議: 七、就本主題之後續研究提出研究建議。 為達到上述目的,研究者設計「社工員感受的督導功能狀況以及情緒勞務問卷」進行調查,該問卷包括:受督導者因素、督導者因素、雙向互動關係、隱而未說的量表(受督導者個人問題、對督導者的感受與關係以及對服務使用者的感受與關係)、督導功能量表(行政功能、教育功能、支持功能、調節功能)及情緒勞務量表(基本情緒表達、表層情緒控制、深層情緒偽裝、情緒多樣性程度及互動程度)。調查母群體則設定為台灣各縣市之家庭暴力暨性侵害防治中心的社會工作者(不含委外單位之社工員),採取普查的方式進行,最後共計回收324份問卷,研究結果如下: 一、保護性社工隱而未說情形程度為中間偏低,其中以對督導者的感受與關係為最高,再者為受督導者個人問題,最低的為對服務使用者的感受與關係; 二、保護性社工感受的督導功能良好,其中以教育功能為最高,其次為調節功能,再者為行政功能,最低的為支持功能; 三、保護性社工情緒勞務負荷的狀況相當嚴重,其中負荷程度最高的為基本情緒表達,其次為表層情緒控制,再者為情緒多樣性程度,再者為互動程度,最低的為深層情緒偽裝。 四、保護性社工感受之督導功能的影響因素有受督導者因素的年齡、社會工作年資以及保護性業務年資;雙向互動關係因素的團體督導頻率、保護性社工感受之督導風格以及隱而未說狀況。 五、研究結果顯示影響保護性社工情緒勞務的因素有受督導者因素的年齡、平均每月新案個案數、社會工作年資以及保護性業務年資;雙向互動關係因素則有感受之督導風格和隱而未說。 根據本研究結果提出下列之建議: 一、重視保護性業務年資之累積:應該擴編保護性社工人數,並將保護性業務督導者納編。 二、減緩保護性社工隱而未說狀況:應該營造安全的督導環境,並維持量好督導關係。 三、因應保護性社工過高之情緒勞務:社工員應該提昇與檢核對情緒勞務之自我覺察,督導者宜運用多元方法評估保護性社工之情緒勞務,並更進一步配置心理諮商人員積極提供專業協助。 四、揮保護性業務督導者之功能:進一步考量保護性社工的感受與情緒及其個案數量之分配。 研究者在檢視本研究之過程與限制後,乃針對本主題之後續研究提出三項建議,以供未來研究者參考。


The burnout among social workers is very common and has been discussed a lot. The researcher found that emotional labor might cause social workers’ burnout, and supervision functions might play a significant role in the mechanism of emotional labor. In the meanwhile, via literature review, the researcher found that the factors influenced the supervision functions and emotional labor included the variables related the social workers, the supervisors, and the interaction of the social workers and the supervisors. Moreover, nondisclosure in the interaction of social workers and supervisors might play negative functions and needed to do deeper review. However, social work in Taiwan, almost no such research integrated factors mentioned above had been found in this issue, and that facilitates the researcher to put some effort in this topic. The protective service social work had been recognized the hardest work, the heaviest pressure and the highest turnout in social work practices, therefore, the protective service social workers were selected as the subjects of this research. In other words, by the means of questionnaire of survey, the research was aimed to understand the emotional labor and the supervision functions among the protective service social workers integrated the factors of social workers, the supervisors, and the interaction of the social workers and the supervisors. And the purposes of this research were: 1.To explore the nondisclosure situations of the protective service social workers; 2.To explore the supervision functions of the protective service social workers perceived; 3.To explore the emotional labor situations of the protective service social workers; 4.To explore the significant variables that related the supervision functions of the protective service social workers perceived; 5.To explore the significant variables that related the emotional labor situations of the protective service social workers; 6.To make suggestions for strengthening the perceived supervision functions and reducing the emotional labor of the protective service social workers; 7.To offer suggestions for the future research in this topic. For doing this survey, the researcher had designed 「The Questionnaire of the Perceived Supervision Functions and the Emotional Labor of the Social Workers」which include social worker variables, the supervisor variables, the interaction variables between the social worker and supervisor, and the three measurement scales of the nondisclosure, the perceived supervision function, and the emotional labor. Totally, 324 valid copies of questionnaire had been sent back from the protective service social workers in 16 Centers for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault of 22, and the response percent was 73.9%. The findings of this study were as following: 1.The protective service social worker’s nondisclosure was lower-middle level. The nondisclosure factors from high to low in sequence were: the feeling and relationship with the supervisor, personal issues, and the feeling and relationship with the client. 2.The supervision functions of social worker perceived was higher-middle level. The supervision functions factors from high to low in sequence were: educational functions, regulatory functions, administrative functions, and supportive functions. 3.The protective services social worker’s emotional labor was very serious. The emotional labor factors from high to low in sequence were: basic emotional expression, emotion surface acting, emotional expression variety, degree of interaction, and emotion deep acting. 4.The significant variables related supervision function of protective service social workers were age, working years, protective services years; the significant interaction variables between social worker and supervisor were frequency of group supervision, supervision style, and nondisclosure of protective services social workers. 5.The significant variables related protection social worker’s emotional labor were age, average of case load per month, working years, protective services years; the variables related interaction between social worker and the supervisor included supervision style, and nondisclosure of protective services social workers. Some suggestions were provided according to the findings, including: 1.To value the accumulation of protective service experience, the number of protective service social worker should be expanded and the supervisors should be included in the first priority. 2.To reduce the situation of high nondisclosure, the environment and the relationship of social worker and supervisor should be kept in security and comfort. 3.To cope with the high emotional labor, the self-awareness in emotional labor of social worker should be promoted, the multiple assessment ability of supervisor to the supervised social worker’s emotional labor should be strengthened, and the profession help of counselor should be provided. 4.To promote the supervision functions, the supervisor should take feeling, emotion, and nondisclosure of social workers into the consideration in the supervision process. After viewing the whole research, some limitations were exploded. Therefore, the researcher offered some suggestions for the future research in this topic.




周嘉鈴(2014)。兒童少年保護之法制及其實踐困境 -以兒童及少年權益與福利保障法為核心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00543
