  • 學位論文


Using Wind-driven Bioventing to Remove Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon as Diesel in Soil

指導教授 : 劉敏信


總石油碳氫化合物 (Total petroleum hydrocarbon, TPH) 為加油站與煉油廠常見的污染物,目前常見的現地整治技術皆需消耗大量能源與產生噪音問題。生物整治技術是利用微生物分解有機物的特性對污染物進行降解,生物通氣法 (Bioventing) 是以自然或機械風力,將空氣引導至土壤中的污染熱區,製造出好氧環境,刺激微生物降解污染物。本研究自製生物通氣整治模場以高柴油污染濃度土壤進行實驗,探討土壤中原生微生物於生物通氣系統中對柴油降解影響,與添加具有柴油分解能力的微生物;Bacillus cereus、Achromobacter xylosoxidans與Pseudomonas putida於生物通氣模場後,對生物通氣模場降解柴油污染物的幫助,所得到的數據以Mann Kendall Test進行柴油降解趨勢分析。生物通氣模場中添加營養鹽能促使土壤中原生微生物分解柴油,微生物降解實驗中Bacillus cereus單一菌利用實驗室規模生物反應槽中的柴油降解效果最佳,進入通氣模場後因營養鹽不足而受限,補充適量的營養鹽且加入三種菌株混合的菌液後有最佳降解效果,在35日實驗中柴油污染物殘餘率可降至0.30。


The total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) is a common pollutant in the gasoline station and oil refining plant. Its common in-situ remediation technologies consume a large amount of energy and generate excess noise. Bioremediation technology is to degrade the pollutants with the characteristics that the microorganisms decompose the organics. Bioventing is to lead the air to the pollution hotspot in the soil with natural or mechanical wind power, so as to create an aerobic environment and stimulate the microorganisms to degrade the pollutants. In this research, a self-made bioventing remediation pilot was created for experiment with high diesel pollution concentration soil, so as to discuss the influence of indigenous microorganisms in the soil on diesel degradation in bioventing system and add the microorganisms with diesel decomposition ability. Bacillus cereus, Achromobacter xylosoxidans and Pseudomonas putida were selected to degrade the diesel pollutants in the pilot after introducing to the bioventing system. Mann Kendall test was used for the trend analysis of diesel degradation. Adding nutrients in the bioventing pilot could promote the indigenous microorganisms in the soil to decompose diesel. It was proved that Bacillus cereus in the microorganism degradation experiment possesses the best efficiency of diesel degradation in the biological reactors of laboratory scale, however after introducing to the bioventing pilot, it was limited due to the shortage of nutrients. Therefore, appropriate amount of nutrients were supplemented and the results indicated that the mixture of three microorganisms held the best degradation effect, the relative diesel concentration could approach to 0.30 in 35 days.


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