  • 學位論文

音樂療法對國小教師紓解壓力的評估– 特定性研究:不同工作負荷

Assessment of Music Therapy for Relieving Work Stress of Elementary School Teachers–A Specific Studying: Different Work Load

指導教授 : 劉省宏


社會快速變遷,教育環境隨之改變,教師的教學壓力有增無減,不僅影響教師本身的身心健康,甚至會影響到孩子的受教權。本研究主要是探討國小教師,在不同的工作負荷量,以心律變異分析不同音樂紓壓的成效。參與實驗者是31 位國小教師,以當日上課四節(含)以上者,為工作負荷重;當日僅上二節(含)以下者,為工作負荷輕。聆聽坊間紓壓音樂與海莉演唱音樂20分鐘,比較實驗前後血壓及心率變異參數的差異,結果顯示,僅風潮音樂在對工作負荷重的條件狀況,心率變異參數有顯著差異。


Due to rapid social change and transformation of the educational environment, the work stress of elementary school teachers is more than before. This not only affects the mental load and physical condition of teachers, but also affects the educating rights of children. The goal of this research is to assess the performance of music therapy for the different work load on the elementary school teachers with the heart rate variability. There were 31 participants who all are the elementary school teachers. The heavy work load is defined as the case that teachers have more than four classes in one day. The light work load is defined as the case that teachers have less than two classes in one day. The participants all listened the Wind Music and Hayley Music for 20 minutes on the different work load. The results indicated when teachers listened the Wind Music under a heavy work load, the parameters of their heart rate variability have the significant difference.


